Chapter 12: Camp with the Twins

Start from the beginning

"Thanks Ashley, I'll see you in the workshop!" Harry said and went over to where Neville was still trying to decide his schedule.

"What do you suggest I take Harry?" Neville asked looking unsure at the list.

"Definitely participate in the dueling tournament," Harry told him with a grin. "You should sign up for the flying class if you want to improve your confidence on a broom. I would take all the beginning courses and anything else that sounds interesting. I bet you'd like the broom design class."

"Thanks," Neville said as he realized Harry just wanted him to have a good time. He filled in his schedule with half announcer classes and half other ones like the flying class and the broom design classes. He signed up for the dueling tournament wondering how he would fare against the older campers."

"Come on, let's go check out the bunk and find out who our counselor is." Harry said with a grin as he led Neville toward Red Section and Crimson bunk. Scarlet, Cherry, Fire Engine, Ruby, Burgundy, Garnet, and Claret were the name of the other 7 bunks in their section. Harry explained a bit about the place to Neville as they walked. He pointed out the dining hall and the directions towards the other sections.

"What section were you in before?" Neville asked wondering as Harry hadn't shown them his pictures yet.

"Green," Harry said with a grin. "I was in Emerald bunk and on team 3."

"Are you going to show me your pictures yet?" Neville asked.

"Sure, how about I leave my album here for you." Harry said. "I need to go talk with one of the staff. He asked for a meeting this morning so I thought I'd head over before everyone else got here."

"I'll just wander around and learn my way." Neville said with a grin. "What bunk are the twins in? I thought maybe I would see if they're here yet."

"Ironically they are in the Canary bunk!" Harry laughed as one of the twins most popular gags were Canary Creams. The other bunks were named banana, golden, blonde, lemon, saffron, jaundice and snitch.

Mike waved Harry over to where he was sitting with Garret and Ilma Hooch. "Good to see you again Harry," he said shaking hands. "I wanted to tell you that your new ideas for the camp are being very well received. Those team posters have out sold all the other items in the gift shop save chocolate frogs and Butterbeer."

"Nice to see all of you as well." Harry said with a grin as he joined the three senior staff at their table.

"I wanted to talk with you about constructing some new family housing for the staff." Mike said while Garret pulled a stack of paper out from a case.

"I have had some construction estimates and preliminary plans done to get an idea of what it would cost," Garret told him and showed him the designs for the family housing. There were 35 homes arranged in a U pattern around a courtyard area that housed an outline of a park as well as a swimming pool, gym and a large building that would serve as the dining and activity center as well as half would be used for a school. There were three types of house designs. Along the connecting portion of the U were two rows of houses. The back row of houses was comprised of 15 small row-houses that would have only one bedroom, a living room, kitchen and bathroom. These would be used for young couples or those without children. In front of the row of small houses would be 10 medium size houses that would have 2 bedrooms instead of just the one. These would be for anyone with a small family. Along the sides of the U there would be 5 houses each, or 10 total larger houses that would have 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms for those with larger families. Overall it looked like a peaceful suburban neighborhood.

"Where are you thinking of locating this on the property?" Harry asked as he was curious how it would change the landscape of The Farm. "And where are the rest of the staff quarters?"

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