Chapter 6: OWL Overload

Start from the beginning

"It's the main reason I'm home schooled," Anne told him. "My dad is a werewolf and my mum is part siren."

"Wow, I've never seen a siren or even part siren before. So does that make you like ¼ siren or is it less?" Harry asked her curiously. "

"I'm like 1/8 siren is all," she told him with a grin. "Basically the only remnants of siren blood let me have a perfect singing voice but without the drawing effect. You didn't ask about my werewolf heritage." She half asked half commented.

"Well the werewolf blood would only be transferred during a full moon. The only way for you to be a werewolf would be if both your parents were wolves or if your father was transformed when he impregnated your mother." Harry told her and laughed at her astounded look that he would know such a thing. "My dad's best friend is a werewolf." He told her to explain his knowledge.

"Ok then I was starting to just think you were a know-it-all." She laughed. "Most people just assume that I am a monster as well and don't even check their facts."

"I understand," Harry told her with a sad smile. "My best friend is a muggleborn and she gets teased horribly at school by the purebloods. I can't imagine how poorly you would be treated by the Slytherins."

"Yeah they seem to be a bigoted bunch," Anne said with a sigh. "It's a shame too because snakes are such neat creatures and that lot has made them their mascot and ruined them for the rest of us."

"I like snakes too." Harry told her honestly. "I think they are a very misunderstood species."

"It would be so cool to be a parseltongue and be able to talk to them!" Anna told him with a grin.

"Sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop," a voice behind them said and they turned to see a tall skinny boy standing behind them. "I'm Aaron by the way and I was going to say that it would be even better since you could talk to all reptiles, not just snakes."

"Really?" Harry asked wondering what else he didn't know about his ability. "I'm Harry and this is Anne."

"Yeah, my great uncle was a parseltongue, we kept it to ourselves since only the descendents of Slytherin are supposed to be able to speak it. He could talk to all types of reptiles and even claimed he could talk to Dragons." Aaron said.

"Cool!" Anna said with a grin. "That would be so neat!"

"So what other exams are you two taking?" Aaron asked. "I'm taking all of them except for the ones on Friday. It's been torture studying for 19 OWLs!"

"I'm only taking 9 OWLs but Harry here is taking all of them as he is retesting from Hogwarts. I'm home schooled what about you?" Anna asked him.

"I go to a small day school in our wizarding village in Ireland and then have different family tutors in the other subjects they don't teach there." Aaron said with a shrug. "It's a good thing my aunt is a potions mistress otherwise I wouldn't have any idea as its not offered at all at the day school as it's thought of being too dangerous; same with Creatures, Dueling and Dark Arts. I learned to duel by watching the dueling tournaments my older brother was in. I started dueling in them myself last year."

"Was it fun?" Harry asked, not wanting to insult him by asking if he was any good.

"Lots of fun and you meet all kinds of people. I'm not very good at it though. I am not that powerful and my spell base is limited, I'll never make it past the 3rd round and once I'm done with school I won't even be able to compete without getting hurt." Aaron said with a shrug. "I don't care that I'm not winning as I figure it is the most fun practical class I've ever taken. So you go to Hogwarts huh? What's it like?"

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