The darkness never ends in my world,
Somehow a single star lights up the skies.
Shimmering peacefully above all the galaxies,
Even lightening the darkness that is my heart.


One week later


I had not had another encounter with my mate since her sister brought me back. I wasn't sure that leaving the note had been the practical thing to do, but I felt compelled to reply to the lyrics that she wrote. I could not even be certain as to who the lyrics were about, but oddly enough, I did not regret it.

I was no longer staying at Ma's as Anzon and I were incapable of being civil for more than 5 minutes at a time, despite both being over a millennia old. The little twit knew how to push my buttons, but I knew that he would always be there if I needed it. We just got along better when we were not forced to share a space for extended periods.

My house was also located at the edge of a forest. It wasn't lavish, but it was certainly had everything and more of what I needed. I had had it built with two floors, with 3 bedrooms on the top floor and a large living room downstairs. I hadn't fed since I was in Cael, and strangely enough, I didn't feel the need to either. My mate's blood had satiated me in a way that I had never felt before, and I had taken quite a bit from her. Initially, I had also been worried about that, but then I realized that I would have sensed it if anything had happened to her. I had, however sensed that she had been feeling happier lately, and a part of me was very angry at the prospect of her fiancé comforting her after I had left.

Suddenly, a loud crash was heard from downstairs, followed by the sound of something shattering, snapped me out of my thoughts. I appeared downstairs in a second. I was certain that I had locked my doors earlier and I was entirely shocked at the idea of an intruder in these parts. I bared my teeth, ready to fight anyone who had dared to break into my house.

I stopped in my tracks when the familiar sweet citrus scent hit my nostrils. My mate sat on the floor next to my fireplace, whimpering, as she clutched her bleeding arm. She was surrounded by glass shards and alcohol. My eyes widened as I began to approach her.

"I-I'm so sorry!" She gasped. "I-I promise I'll clean up the mess and replace-"

I ignored her rambling as I stepped over the glass and carefully looped an arm around her waist, lifting her into my arms. She silently watched me with wide eyes. I proceeded to carry her upstairs before placing her on her feet in my bedroom. I walked around her backside and began to unbutton her dress to remove the glass. Once it was off, I dropped it to the floor and walked around to face her again.

She watched me, wide-eyed, face glowing bright red, as she attempted to cover herself. I tried to ignore the sight of her perfect body in front of me and picked up my hairbrush, running it through her hair to check for glass shards. She flinched as I picked her up, my hands holding her bare flesh now. I inhaled sharply as the sparks erupted again.

"Calm down. If I was going to have sex with you, you wouldn't still have your bra and panties on." I yanked on the waistband teasingly. Her eyes bulged at this and she gaped like a fish in water. I carefully placed her onto the bed so I could go get the tweezers to remove the glass shards in her arm.

She immediately moved to get off and I glared at her. She froze in her movements but protested. "I'm getting blood all over your bed!"

Everlasting Series: Princess and the Vampire (GxG)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora