Leaving The Hospital My Own Way (Chapter 5)

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I wake the next morning or so I thought. I was feeling pretty great except the fact that the doctor said I had been out for 3 days from the day America invited me to his house. "Miss Jones you have to stay here! Alfred told me he had a meeting this morning and rushed out." The doctor says frantically as I try to get out of bed. I look around the room and see a window right next to a tree, just the size for a girl about 5" 2' and 98 pounds. I smirk to myself and look at the doctor. "I'm sorry I don't remember your name." I tell the doctor. She smiles and takes the bait. "I didn't tell you my dear."

"Oh, I thought you did."

"Nope but I'll tell you now, its Marie."

"Oh hello Marie, what floor are we on?"

"We are on two now I have to do paper work ok? I'll be back in about an hour."

"Ok." She leaves the room and I ponder whether or not to leave now or later. I look around the took one more time and see two people by the window. Marie and a dirty blond with big eyebrows. A little blond head pops in and out of the window every now and then. The tall blond is England but the small one I have no idea. Marie opens the door and lets the two in. I look at the smaller one and it clicks. "Sealand! England!" I squeal. Sealand gets this huge gin on his have when I say his name. "You know who I am?!?!" He exclaimes and I laugh. "Of course! Your Sealand the tiny but mighty country that is 6 miles off the coast of England!!" I say and look up and England who just laughs a little. I love his smile! "So Iggy what's up?" His smile fades at his nickname. "Don't call me that! And the third floor is up. Why do you ask? Shouldn't you know?" I laugh, too proper. "Never mind why you guys here I have a feeling its not just for a visit."

"Your right! Mr. America sent us!" Sealand says proudly. "Well actually just him but I had to come I mean its me!!" I laugh again. "Why did Al ask you guys to come?" This time its England who speaks. " We are here because he had stuff to attend to and wanted you back at his house for supper."

"Oh well that sounds great to me!!"

"At least that was the original plan but the kind lady, Marie says you're not ready to go yet." I sigh should have known. "Hey Iggy, what's Al's address?" He scowls at the nickname and writes the address on a paper. Sealand sits in a chair across from my bed and I turn on the tv for the little one. I look back at England. "We'll be back tomorrow to pick you up. Well Sealand won't be he'll be with Sweden and Finland." I nod and look back over at young Peter. He is looking at the tv but is fast asleep, reminding me to much of Greece. I look at England, who looks at me and chuckles. He goes over and gingerly picks up Sealand off the chair. The young boy still sound asleep. England smiles at me and leaves. I look at the table where the paper is and see a pile of clothes. The clothes I wore the day I was put in this place. I guess I'll have to stop at home. I get out of bed and change into those clothes. I pick up the address and walk over to the window. I look out then down. 'Not to far down. I mean if I fall the worst that could happen is I break a bone, but come on, I'm breaking out of a hospital for Pete's sake.' I open the window to see the tree that I plan to climb down on. It's a smaller fit than I had thought but it's still fine by me, I'm skinny. I grab the branch with shakey hands. But that small movement sparks a sharp pain through my ribs. Ow. I should have thought this through better. I cringe but grab the branch anyways. The pain subsides as I climb out the window. The tree, luckily, was closer than I expected so I don't have to endure more pain. I sit on the branch and close the open window I came out from. Then I take one look at the room I spent several nights in and climbed down the tree. Every once in a while I feel pain but other than that I'm fine. After that I walk casually out onto the sidewalk and on my marry way home (limping a little).



Thanks everyone for reading! I know its been a while but school had started. :( but its ok Archery is also starting so bye bye for now! Hasta La Pasta!

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