Chapter 7. Gabriel

Start from the beginning

He stumbles backwards slightly and then looks towards the doors. His gaze meets mine one more time before he turns around and walks out onto the balcony then he climbs onto the railing and jumps.

I walk over to make sure he landed it okay, he did but he doesn't look back as he disappears into the darkness. I shut the doors quietly and then turn my lights off as I limp slowly to my bed. 

When I pick my phone up to check the time I see that I have a text.

Abel: You need a ride or no?

Fuck it, why not? It's not like I'm trying to sleep with my ex boyfriends brother.

Me: Yes, please.

Abel: Sweet dreams.

Wow.... that was actually sweet I'm caught off guard.

Me: You too.

I turn my ringer off and lay down in bed turning my alarm clock on the stand to the on position. I cuddle deeper into my blanket and sigh contently. Abel is my last thought before I fall into a deep slumber totally exhausted.


It's seven thirty by the time a knock sounds on the door I get off the couch and use the crutches to get to the door, opening it up for Abel.

"Good morning." He smiles, it's actually genuine.

"Good morning." I smile back at him.

Once he helps me get into his truck we drive off to the school. "I seen Aiden last night." I say and bite my lip not knowing if I should be having this conversation with him.

"Oh yeah?" He asks. "I'm guessing it didn't go to well if I am the one picking you up." 

He's pretty damn good at making assumptions on relationships which is sort of strange. "He wouldn't tell me the truth, he said it hurts to talk about." I admit.

Abel snorts. "Hurts who me or him?" Abel asks sarcastically it sounds rhetorical but that doesn't stop me from answering.

"Him." I say softly looking at Abel to observe his reaction.

Abel lights a cigarette rolling his window down slightly blowing the smoke out it. "Right well maybe in a sense." Abel shrugs.

"I told him I didn't even want to think about getting back together unless he was straight with me." I admit. 

"Good luck with that, let me know how that goes." Abel chuckles.

"Can't you just tell me?" I ask him in irritation, he just shrugs it off.

We pull into the parking lot of the school just then and drop the conversation. 

Abel helps me out of the truck walking with me to the doors ignoring the looks we are getting. 


It's been a few days since what happen to my ankle I decided it's good enough to drive on, and I don't need the crutches as bad only when walking a far distance. I sit down beside the headstone and sigh as I run my hand acrossed it.

Sadness takes over me and tears fill my eyes. Nothing has changed with Aiden though I've noticed Brianna Aimes has been hanging on him a lot lately but I haven't seen them kissing or anything.

I'm not so sure that I'd care, it angers me that I had always been totally honest with him and he out right lied to me even though I still don't know the whole story.

"Hi Gabriel." I whisper to the headstone as I trace my fingers acrossed it. 

"Jaime." A voice comes from behind me.

I turn around in confusion, it's Abel. I gape at him for a moment, as upset as I am with Aiden that does not mean I necessarily like Abel he is still a pain in the ass and he won't be honest with me either.

He kneels beside me. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask irritated.

"I just saw you... wanted to make sure you were okay I guess." He says and then looks at the headstone. 

"I'm fine." 

"Why are you in a cemetery, who is Gabriel Alexander?" He asks confused.

"Well it's usually where people come to visit their dead loved ones." I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Why are you mad at me?" He wonders aloud.

"I want you to stay away from me Abel, god you are worse then Aiden I'd almost rather it be him here then you." I huff standing up in anger. "And not that it is your damn business but Gabriel is my son." 

He's still kneeling beside my sons headstone as he stares up at me bewildered. "Jaime I didn't mean-" He starts.

"Oh fuck you." I growl and stomp away from him which is hurting my ankle so I attempt to lighten my steps.

I lose my footing and the ground is suddenly moving closer to my face but arms snake around my waist.

Abel stands me up right but I pull away from him. "Leave me alone."

"Just let me help you to your car Jaime you really shouldn't be walking on that yet." He says sternly.

"No I don't want your damn help." I grunt.

"Ya know something." He says sounding pissed off I turn to face him full of rage myself. "You think he is just sooo fucking perfect don't you?! You and everyone else but let me tell you I know him better than you do sweetheart." 

"What I know is that obviously what happened hurt both of you, clearly you are taking it out at everyone though and he isn't! You need to grow the fuck up!" I hiss.

He laughs humorlessly. "Oh god you are so oblivious, you think you know everything don't you little miss fix it? Well let me tell you something you do not know ANYTHING. You clearly don't know my brother and you sure as fuck do not know me!" Abel shouts at me. "He has got you so fooled honey, he doesn't care about anyone but his damn self. Me? I'm not nearly as selfish of a bastard as he is."

Abel spins around and storms away from me, tears roll down my cheeks. These two boys have me so torn, and confused that I simply don't know which one to believe. My head pounds pulsating so hard I can hear it right behind my ears I slowly make my way to my car as my head spins.

A/N: Hmmmmm? So what do you think now? Jaime  has secrets too how about that?! I know it's sad, I apologize for that.

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