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When I wake up, I stay in bed for a few minutes to just consider my dream. It was purely Doyoung. While I know I spent the majority of my dream looking at him, I still can't remember what he looks like. He's still just a blur to me.

My phone goes off, the sound being Blackpink's debut song Boombayah, so I immediately pick it up.

"What's up?"

Miya's happy screech juxtaposes my calm tone. "NCT 127 is debuting today and we're going to the show." She squeals again, and all I can think about is how I'm going to calm her down when we're in person.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I got us tickets to go to the performance. 'The show' as in the broadcast of The Show." She speaks slower and more clearly than before as if that'll help me comprehend the words. "So get up and get ready, my guy." She hangs up the phone, leaving me speechless. We're about to watch a live performance. Okay then.

Putting on my favorite outfit, I walk over to Miya's apartment building. From there, we finish getting ready for the show. We head out, adding ourselves to the huge crowd waiting to be seated.

The performances are all wonderful. It doesn't even matter who will win; the experience is all that matters. Many of my favorite groups perform, and NCT 127's debut stage is at the very end of it all. After they were introduced, I immediately try to find the guy that I recognized earlier. I'm finally able to spot him toward the end of their choreography. Watching him move, he just seems so familiar, but I can't think of why. All too soon, the crowd is cheering as the spotlights are turning off, and I turn to Miya.

She looks like she's having the time of her life. "They work so well together as a group!" Miya claps quietly a few times. "Wanna stay for their interview?"

I nod my head, and she drags me outside to stand in yet another crowd of people just trying to get a glimpse of the new group.

The interviewer smiles at the cameraman recording them, and he looks to the boys of NCT 127. "I'm just gonna have you introduce yourselves as a group and then individually to start this off, okay?" They all nod in agreement before doing their group introduction.

I move around to get a better view of the familiar face. After a few names were revealed, it finally gets to him.

"I'm Kim Doyoung, nice to meet you." He smiles brightly and shakes the interviewer's hand, something that none of the other boys did. He must be nervous.

But that's when everything clicks in. His name is Doyoung. I take another look at him, and he looks just like the boy in my dreams. The Doyoung in my dreams.

The interview is already over, and I missed the entire questionnaire because I was thinking about my soulmate. He might be standing so close to me, but how can I get to him?

The group starts walking away, and I immediately start pushing my way through the crowd. Miya calls out to me, but I simply wave my hand before trying to slip between people as quickly as possible. My breathing quickens and my chest compresses, and I feel like everyone around me is taking up endless space between me and my soulmate. I look past everything, trying to find Doyoung. He's walking toward their van, but he's probably within earshot, so I call out to him. "Doyo–Doyoung!" I yell, practically gasping for breath. I make it to the line of bodyguards, and I try my best to push through, but one of them grabs me and holds me back. "You don't understand, he's my soulmate! I need to get to him!"

Dreaming of You || NCT Doyoung Where stories live. Discover now