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Peggy stared out the window with wonder in her brown eyes

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Peggy stared out the window with wonder in her brown eyes. She wondered if a boy out there was perfectly made for her. If everyone had a soul mate. If everyone had a destiny to fall in love. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that she was falling in a pit of fairy tales that only belonged in the books. Maybe as a child she watched too much Cinderella.

Ding! Ding!

The little bell rang. The boy Peggy worried about sometimes entered.

"Ello' Peggy Posey. Don't worry, I've got money on me this time!" John grabbed a wad of money from his pocket as he chuckled and walked around the store looking for any records that could satisfy him.

Peggy propped her arms up on the counter as she sat her head in her palms. She still had the sad look upon her face. John looked up and noticed the look right away.

He stopped his fingers from moving the records one by one and stood straight. He sighed.

"What's the matter Peggy Posey? Did a bird shit on ya?" John laughed.

She shook her head. "No, the world's realism shat on me."

He made his way towards the younger girl. He pushed his hand through his brown hair as he looked her in the eyes. "Peggy, you don't have to fall in love to be happy."

Peggy realized she was being a other girl who depended on a boy. She hated herself for thinking about it. She never would die for a boy but she couldn't help but think that maybe she would get a scratch for a boy. A scratch didn't really hurt.

Peggy stood up straight ready to say her infamous words of wisdom she always said to John when she seemed to have a reason to defend herself.

"A scratch never-"

"But it was never necessary to have."

She slouched remember that John himself had words of wisdom.

John turned around to face the closet bucket of records. He pulled out a record Eagles. He set it on the counter.

"I suppose your poetry days are back." Peggy sighed as she added up the money he'd have to pay for the album.

He scoffed. "What are you talking about, they never left."

John eyed the album. "Who'd name there band after a bird?" John rolled his eyes of the thought.

"The Eagles would John."

John rolled his eyes as he accepted the album from you.

John began to walk away. "Now remember not to daydream a lot. It only makes you worry."

Peggy groaned. "Well that's not fair. How come you get to daydream?"

John stopped moving for a second as he held the door open, letting the nice breeze in. He looked up at Peggy with his brown eyes that had something big in them that wasn't ready to be released.

"I get to daydream because I know how to handle anything that's too much for anybody to handle." He put his head down. "Bye bye Peggy Posey."

"Bye bye John Lennon."


She's Just A Baby//Ringo StarrWhere stories live. Discover now