ch 3

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"Sam that's 4 positives on 3 different tests."

Helen held Sam's hands as he sat on the couch in the office wrapped in Elvis's arms.

"Could it mean I have a type of cancer, or maybe a disease, should I get tested for STD's, Helen I don't want to die." Sam called weakly, his voice shaking and rasping, Helen held his hands tighter.

"Sam, considering your other symptoms, I think this may just be a miracle, but if you want to go to Newtown hospital and get a blood pregnancy test I'll write the slip, it's the only way we will know for sure. Otherwise it could just be a fluke."

"I'm not going to Newtown to get a pregnancy test!" Sam shouted.

"Samuel, maybe you should, if there is something wrong with you they need to find out." Elvis said softly in Sam's ear, trying to calm him down.

"Elvis I'm a man, we already know something is wrong with me, MEN DON'T TEST POSITIVE ON PREGNANCY TESTS!"

Elvis gulped a little trying to hold it together, he tightened his arms around Sam.

"Sam I know this is scary, but let's take a few breaths and address this rationally, maybe if I can get you an ultrasound here in town, we can see if there is anything wrong with your glands or sex organs, that's my first through for production of incorrect hormones." Helen said softly, Sam gulped but nodded, Helen stood and pulled out her phone, walking to the door while dialing.
Elvis held Sam as Sam started to calm down a little more, taking more steady breaths.

Suddenly the alarms started going, before Sam or Elvis could react, Steele ran in and took the comms.

"Electrical fire that's spreading in the downtown to shop." Steele called. Elvis and Sam stood.

"Jones, you are on leave until we know what's wrong with you, Elvis stay-"

"Sir, if Sam is off duty, then me and the rookies should go, Penny is better suited to handle an emergency on her own if a situation arises." Elvis called. Steele looked at him then sighed deeply.

"Your best with electrical fires, Cridlington, take the rookies and go." Steele agreed. Elvis hugged

Sam and gave him a kiss, then ran out of the room to go and do his job.

Sam sat back down and interlaced his fingers together, leaning on his elbows on his thighs.
The station was loud with noise before growing quiet again, besides Steele's regular announcements into the comms.

Penny entered the office and walked over to Sam, handing him a mug of tea.

"It's decaf with one spoon of sugar." She said softly.

"Thank you." Sam said as his voice stopped rattling as deeply. Sam started to sip on his tea quietly.

"Sir, I'm worried that Sam might be really really sick. And there is nothing we can do about it." Penny said whispering to Steele.

"All we can do is love him and support him, Penny, it's what he would do for us." Steele said softly back, he took a sip of his tea, and gagged a little. "This was for Cridlington, wasn't it." Steele laughed, Penny smiled at him awkwardly.

"I didn't want it to go to waste and it would have killed me to drink it." Penny told.

"That's fair," Steel took another sip, getting used to the sugary tea, "why don't you go and sit with Sam for a few, Helen should be back any minute with he answer to that call she made."

Penny nodded and walked over to Sam's side, she sat down next to him.

"Pence for your thoughts?" She asked,  Sam glanced at her.

"I'll just sound silly."

"Nonsense, Sam, you'll never sound silly to me." Penny said softly, Sam looked at her for a second.

"I just, I feel scared that something could be really wrong with me. I don't want to be irrational but I could be dying, and it's just, a lot." Sam sighed.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'd be freaking out if I found out a pregnancy came of all the gay sex I was having." Penny elbowed Sam gently.

"Classy, but true," Sam almost cracked a smile, "I don't think that it really could be a pregnancy, actually I'm pretty certain it's not. But if it is, I'll name them after Steele, bet on it." Sam cracked a small laugh.

"I'll take that bet, if you aren't, I'll take you out for more drinks than you can handle when you are medically advised to drink yourself blind." Penny retorted and held a hand to Sam. He finally smiled and shook her hand.

Helen finally reentered the room. "Sam, I can get you that test, but it will be a bit awkward." She called, Sam took a deep breath. "I'd offer you to bring someone but Elvis is out and-"

"I'll go if you want Sam." Penny said, she gripped his arm in a soft hold.

"No Penny, you're needed here if anything comes up." Sam said, he looked up to see Steele standing in front of them, he held a hand to Sam.

"If you need someone there, I'll go Sam, The station can be left without a old officer like me if something comes up." Steele said softly, Sam felt the gentle curl of a smile cross his lips.

"If you don't mind, sir." Sam said with a quiet air.

"I don't mind at all, Sam."

Sam took the older's hand and stood.

"Well, let's get going then." Helen brought her hands together and started out of the room.


"This feels stupid." Sam grumbled following Helen to the vet clinic in town.

"Lizzie and I have a deal on the ultra sound and x-ray, particularly because I get sick of writing scripts to Newtown." Helen called.

"So when are you getting a human clinic then?" Steele called.

"We don't ask that question anymore." Helen sighed, she opened the door to the clinic.

"Helen, good to see you!" Lizzie called.

"Good to see you too, Liz, I brought these two since I was on the way too, missing Radar so much they forgot to drive." Helen called, she shook Lizzie's hand.

"Of course of course, come on boys, you have a pesky pup to help calm down." Lizzie called, she gestured for the group to follow her. "Alright, Sam, let's get this little problem dealt with!"

She opened the door to a room with a ultrasound machine.

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