ch 2

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Sam grumbled as Nurse flood took his temperature.

"Helen you believe that I'm fine, right." Sam sighed.

"Elvis was mighty worried, but," she took the thermometer from Sam's mouth, "you don't have a fever, no signs of sickness, no swollen glands, and you have your shots."

Sam sighed and went to stand from the couch in the main office. Helen pushed him back down, she then pulled a chair close and sat on it. Sitting with the back in front and leaning on the top, she smiled at Sam.

"Tell me about what's been happening lately." She said sweetly.

"Really Helen?" Sam sighed.

"Yes really, men are fickle things that get phycosymptomatically sick at the littlest of things." Helen said bluntly.

"Thanks Helen, but I don't think anyone's died or I lost my job and am now faking a sore tummy." Sam glared at Helen.

"Sam, I'm a nurse, I'm allowed to insult the weenie men who come to me with dumb problems, however you are not a weenie and you don't have little petty problems, so tell me what's up." She smiled at Sam and was quiet, waiting for him to open up.

"Not much new, besides our incident a month ago." Sam looked at her tiredly.

"So you haven't has a slip up at work?"


"How about training, any new drills coming up?"

"Not untill Penny's next Newtown orientation in a few weeks."

"You and Elvis doing ok?"

"Good as ever."

"Planning on popping the question?"


"I won't tell anyone Sam, come on, you know Mike got pneumonia when he was planning on proposing to me."

Helen kept smiling at Sam.

"You know he probably was lieing and huffed glue or something into his lungs so he could guilt you." Sam said with a sharp edge.

"It was still so cute to see a man who couldn't breath try and tell me how pretty I was as he fumbled out a ring." Helen sighed.

"You two are hopeless." Sam huffed, Helen laughed.

"Yeah, we are. But enough about me, is there really no new stress in your life?"

"None at all, and I feel completely fine, so can we end this?" Sam pleaded tiredly.

"Have you and Elvis done anything since last month? Anything new and exciting?" Helen asked.

"No, we haven't even done anything regular." Sam sighed.

"Maybe you two need to?" Helen said quickly.

"Helen I'm not throwing up because I haven't been horny and fucked my boyfriend, that's insane." Sam snorted. "Can I go yet? If it makes you feel better I'll stick him good tonight."

"Alright Mr mystery illness. If you think head aches, throwing up, exhaustion, flush and oily skin, and apparently irritability are nothing then you can go." Helen sat up, Sam stood and started towards the door. Helen started laughing. Sam turned to her.

"What's so funny?" Sam sighed.

"Don't tell me your chest hurts too." She giggled.

"It does actually." Sam said, a little concerned. Helen started to laugh louder. Sam glared at her and went to leave.

"Wait Sam, Sam I think I know what's wrong with you." Helen said gasping between laughs.


"Your pregnant."

"Helen I'm leaving."

She stood and followed Sam out of the room.

"Come on Sam, isn't it such a miracle!" She called.

"Helen I'm not even going to entertain this, I'm going to take a nap then I'll be fine!"

Sam stormed into the main room, where he was stopped by the group .

"What is all the yelling about Jones." Steele called.

"It's nothing sir." Sam informed, he glared at Helen who was now next to a confused Elvis.

"It's not nothing Sam! Congratulations Elvis, your a father." Helen gave Elvis a pat on the back that caused him to in hail his tea.

"Helen, who even gave you a medical license." Sam pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Wait I'm confused." Elvis said as he finally calmed down.

"You're always confused." Ellie called.

"Elvis, it's really nothing, Helen is just making a bad joke." Sam sighed.

"I'm makeing a diagnosis, Samuel Peyton Jones, and based on your symptoms you are pregnant!" Helen called, the room started to crack up.

"Aww, our little Sam has a little spark of joy in him." Penny shot across the room and stuck her ear onto Sam's midsection. "I can hear a little heart beat, or maybe your breakfast, but either way congratulations!" Ellie joined Penny and lifted Sam's shirt placeing a hand on his belly.

"When will the little sucker kick." Ellie called, Sam shove his shirt back down and glared at the two woman.

"So Elvis, scotch or brandy? Your a real man now!" Arnold pulled Elvis off the couch. Elvis laughed.

"Wouldn't want to drink when my expecting husband can't. That would be mean." Elvis laughed.
Sam looked at Steele. "Sir, this is rediculous." Sam called, trying to get some form of defense.

"So will the little poppet call me granddad?" Steele said, he then finnaly started to crack up. Sam buried his face in his hands.

"Helen has he taken a test yet." Penny called.

"I keep some in my bag! Let me go get one!" Helen called and she ran off.

"I literally just should have said I had the flu and stayed home today." Sam said under his breath, Helen came back with a little box.

"Alright Sam, do you need me to tell you step by step or do you-"

"Helen I'm not taking a pregnancy test." Sam said flatly.

The entire room started buzzing for him to take it, with Penny and Ellie dragging him towards the bathroom. After a solid minute of peer pressure, Sam finally caved.

"Here if it makes you all shut up." Sam took the box and stormed to the bathroom.

"Alright guys, when Sam gets out we should probably lay off of him, he's already feeling unwell I'm sure all this pokeing isn't helping him any." Steele called, cough the last of a laugh out.

"We will bring it up at the New year's party tho." Arnold giggled.

"Oh definitely." Steele chimed back.

The group waited for Sam to exit the small room, growing more tense with every noise and second past. The door opened.

"I didn't even look at it to know it says false."

There was absolute quiet, before Steele started a chain of laughter. Helen stepped forwards and looked at the little wand, expression shifting.


"Sam I'm going to need you to take another test." Helen said sternly. She showed him the wand.

Sam felt his stomach flip.

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