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'Are you okay? Did you sleep well last night' , Ten, one of his best friends asked. 'Yeah, i am okay i am just a bit tired.' , Taeil smiled and continued to eat his food. Ten and Taeil were best friends since their sophomore year and he trusted Ten more than his other friends. But still, he wasn't going to tell him about his problems. They were currently in a small café near their school because the first lesson were cancelled. 'I don't want to go to school anymore.' , Ten whined and tried to stab himself with a fork. 'Ten, stop.' , Taeil said and fetched the fork away. 'One more month and were out of that hell hole.' 'You're right. And we're going to the same university!' , he said and took his fork. 'Is John going to the same university?' , Taeil asked and continued to eat his cake. 'I think so. Well, I hope. I don't know. He didn't attend school for a whole week. He's probably sick.' , Ten said and drank his coffee. 'You didn't even text him? What a good boyfriend you are.' , Taeil said in a sarcastic way. 'I broke my damn phone two weeks ago dumbass and I had to write this fucking long essay. And my new phone will arrive in two days, they said. Well, I hope so, if not i am going to fight them.' , Ten said, now fighting the air with the fork. 'Just eat your fucking cake, Chittaphone.' , Taeil rolled his eyes and looked at the clock. 'We should get going. School starts in twenty minutes. Now eat your cake.' , both finished their food and payed. As they arrived, both headed to their classes. Taeil sat in the front beside his seatmate, Jungwoo. Him and Jungwoo were also close friends, but definitely not as close as Ten and him were. 'Good morning Jungwoo. How was your day so far?' , Taeil said while taking his things out of is bag. 'Pretty good, I talked with Yukhei this morning.' , he smiled by the thought of his boyfriend who was back in his own country, china. Yukhei was an exchange student in our class and if love at first sight was real, it was so with Yukhei and Jungwoo. I just smiled and played some games on my phone and trying to ignore the voices in my head, which had become louder every second. As the teacher walked in they stopped for a split second then they got louder. Now they were screaming inside his head and he felt something weird in his stomach. He excused himself and ran straight to the bathroom and threw up. Taeil then remembered that everytime, they were screaming, he needed to throw up. He went back to class and said he was not feeling well and went home right after. His parents were at work so he just went to his room and laid down. Taeil slept for some hours but woke up because he had a nightmare.
He was back in his middle school with Seojun. It was a normal day and all was good till everything went black. He was in an old classroom. Seojun was also there, but with his friends who bullied Taeil back then. Their eyes were pitch black blurred with anger and hatred. He was shook and tried to get out of the classroom but they held his arms and pushed him against the wall. He whimperd in pain and fell down. 'Stop.. please.' , he cried. Seojun just smirked. 'Kill him.' , he said and left. His friends laughed evilly and looked at Taeil. What he didn't see was that they had knives. They stabbed him over and over and later they just left. Taeil swore he could see a light but then finally woke up. His clothes were sweaty and he cried while sleeping. He stood up and went to his bathroom. He took a quick cold shower. And then. They were back. The voices came back. After he stepped out of the shower he looked at himself in the mirror. His body was full of bruises, cuts and scars. No, Taeil didn't cut himself, he would never do that. The scars were from Seojun and the thought of it still haunted him. The bruises were from yesterday when he tried to faint on purpose while hitting himself with a book. Not a good idea. The cuts were from the time he had a mental breakdown and tried to cut himself with a knife. It was only one time. His threw a rock against his mirror and he was too lazy to get a new one, plus he didn't want to look at himself. He dried his hair, put on his clothes and went to the kitchen. Taeil was pretty skinny because he didn't eat that much, because, you know, they were telling him he was fat and needed to lose weight. He drank a cup of water and went back to his room. He laid down again and tried to sleep. This time, it actually worked.

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