Chapter Nine | The Owl's Nest

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Ember's POV:

Monday came quick, but I made sure to mention the band at The Owl's Nest to my dad. To my surprise he said he'd really like to go, which made me happy. 'I should ask Onyx if he wants to come see the band as well. It'll be way less awkward when Johnny pops up to say hi to us.' I thought inside of my head. Deep down it made me a little sad knowing that my dad would only know Johnny as my professor, but at least they'd get to meet each other. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I pulled into the college parking lot. I turned off the radio before shutting the car off. I un-buckled and grabbed my backpack first and then got out of the car. When I walked into the building I went straight to the library, because I had a half hour before my first class started. I got here early just so Onyx and I could hangout. Eventually I found him sitting at one of the computers typing away. "Hey, how was your weekend?" He asked me curiously as I sat down next to him. "It was good. How was your Saturday and Sunday?" I replied. "They were good actually." He replied. "Your roommate didn't bother you?" I asked. He said that his roommate was fine and acted normal for the entire weekend, which surprised him. After a few minutes of making small talk I mentioned the band at The Owl's Nest. I really hoped he could come, especially since it would mean he and I could hangout more. "Sure, I'd love to go see The Civil Wars with you and your father." He replied with a smile on his face. "Great!" I replied with a smile. I mentioned that Johnny might show up, which he was fine with. I'm just glad that he was fine with me being friends with my professor, not to mention the fact that he knows I have crush on Mr. Depp. Now that I was back at college I had to remind myself that I couldn't just call Mr. Depp Johnny in front of the other students. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I talked to Onyx. "You want him to meet you dad, don't you?" He asked, breaking the silence. "Yeah, I do. I know I can't tell my dad that I'm friends with my professor; he'd give me some kind of lecture about how I should have friends my own age." I said, and a look of sympathy filled Onyx's bright blue eyes. "Hopefully after your dad meets him he won't be too against you hanging out with older people. Mr.... I mean I he is a nice guy after all, and he makes you happy." He said as he ran a hand through his blond hair. "I hope so." I replied with a deep sigh. Before I knew it it was time to go to class. Most of my classes went by quick, but the homework load started getting heavier. So around lunch time, Onyx and I grabbed something to eat at the cafeteria. Instead of eating in the cafeteria we got a study room in the library and ate as we did our homework. I tried eating as I did what my morning classes has assigned me. Onyx and I helped each other get our stuff finished in time to actually relax. He fired up the computer that was in the study room and turned on the tv as well. The two devices were connected, so we were able to watch YouTube videos on the tv screen instead of the computer screen. We watched a couple of Dawko's videos as well as some Team Edge, Dope or Nope, and Battle Universe videos. After a while I was on my way to my poetry class. I was so excited to see Johnny again after the sweet weekend we spent together. But I knew I couldn't mention anything about it during class or around anyone else. I took my usual seat in the poetry classroom and waited for everyone else to show up. "Good afternoon Mr. Depp." I said with a small smile as Johnny walked into the room. "Good afternoon Ember." He replied with a smile on his face as well. He went to his desk and sat his briefcase on top of it. As he organised a couple of things some other students walked in and took their seats. Once it was time for class to start Mr. Depp took roll call to see who was here and who wasn't. Then he collected the recent poems he wanted us to write. After he collected the poems he got started on the today's lesson. He went through a slideshow and we took notes. The golden sunlight filtering through the plastic blinds was a little distracting, but I didn't have trouble keeping my attention on Johnny. When the slideshow was over he told us to read the next few chapters in our text book instead of our poetry book. Everyone cracked open their books and started reading about the Japanese styled for of poetry called Haiku. That's probably the most difficult form of poetry for me; I'm not sure why, but I never really could get the hand of it. Maybe it's because they contain seventeen syllables in three lines of five, seven, five. It's not all about rhyming words; they're mostly based on nature and focused on a particular season, like summer or fall. 'May the Haiku gods help me.' I thought inside of my head as I read. "If you could, please find a stopping point if you haven't finished reading." Mr. Depp's voice said, breaking the comfortable silence in the room. I had just finished reading before he said this, which made me breath a sigh of relief. I already had a bunch of reading to so for my other classes. He waited for everyone to close their books before he spoke up again. "For homework I'd like you all to start writing a Haiku poem of your own. Don't worry, it won't they graded on how accurate they are, it's mostly just for practice. And please finish reading the new chapter if you haven't already as well." He said before dismissing us for the day. Like I always do I hung behind and waited until everyone else had left the classroom. Once everyone had left I put my backpack on my shoulders and walked up to Johnny's desk. "Mr. Depp." I said to catch his attention. He looked up and when he saw me his beautiful big brown eyes softened. The look he had in his eyes made my heart melt. I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. "Yes, Ember?" He asked me curiously. "Don't forget about The Owl's Nest tonight at eight o'clock." I said, and he shook his head slightly. "I won't forget. I promise." He replied. He made sure no one was around before giving me a hug, and I hugged him back. I wished we could spend more time together, but I knew he was busy. We said our goodbyes and I left the classroom. As I walked down the hallway my phone buzzed, and I wondered who was texting me.

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