Chapter Three | Lunch

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Ember's POV:

'What's wrong with me?' I wondered inside of my head as I stared at my phone. My friend Preston and Lacy haven't replied to my messages since July, and at first I wondered if they were okay; I was worried that something might have happened to them. But they've been regularly making posts to their Instagram accounts and Twitter. So I commented on one of their posts just to have both of the unfriend me. 'Maybe I'm not interesting enough for them. Maybe they met people at their new college that are better than me.' I thought inside of my head as I let out a deep sigh. I was sitting in the cool library waiting until it was time for my Chemistry class. Earlier today I had math, which isn't as bad as it might seem for an eight am class. It's actually better to have it first thing in the morning rather than later in the day. I learned that last year when I had it at the end of the day; it sucked and I didn't really pay attention to the teacher. "Hey." I heard a familiar voice say, so I looked up to see Onyx taking a seat at the table I was at. "Hey." I replied with a small smile. He furrowed his brows as he sat down. Apparently he noticed that I wasn't feeling a hundred percent today. "What's wrong? You look sad." He said as loud as he could. "Well... I had a couple of friends I use to hangout with before they transferred to different schools. They haven't talked to me since July, and they unfriended me on all social media sites." I replied feeling a little pathetic. I knew I probably shouldn't care about them if they didn't want me in their lives, but they were my best friends! We shared secrets and everything together. They were like the siblings that I never had. I guess they didn't feel the same way about me though. "That's a garbage way to treat someone. If they're gonna act like that then they don't deserve your friendship." He said with an angry look filling his blue eyes. "Thanks, Onyx. I'm sorry I've been like an emotional rollercoaster especially since we just met." I said with a slight laugh. I felt so awkward letting someone I barely know privy to my personal life. "Don't worry about it. I know how it feels to be abandoned by your friends. I've been through that hell many times in my life." He said with a forced laugh as he ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry to hear that. You seem like a nice, interesting, and kind person. Why would anyone not wanna be friends with you?" I replied feeling sorry for him. It hurt losing Preston and Lacy, but I couldn't imagine how much it would hurt when it happened more than once. After we comforted each other through words, we moved on to some lighter topics. I even noticed what he was wearing after we changed the subject. Onyx had a Nightmare Before Christmas t-shirt on and a pair of light blue jeans, which were ripped. I told him I liked his shirt, and he thanked me. "I like your shirt too. Marilyn Manson is an awesome band." He said, which made me smile. "Thanks. It's one of my favorite bands." I replied. He took one of his textbooks out and started downing homework. I had a feeling that my Chemistry teacher would give us homework today, but I didn't mind. It would take my brain off of my ex best friends. As he did his homework I looked back at my phone for a few minutes. "Do you wanna have lunch together? We could meet up in the cafeteria today." He said, breaking the comfortable silence that settled down around us. That's when my mood brightened a whole lot more. When he mentioned lunch I remembered that Mr. Depp wanted to have lunch with me today. It took all of my will power not to do a little happy dance right there in the library. "I'd love to, but I can't. I have a meeting with one of my professors." I replied feeling a little bad that he had to eat all by himself. "Which professor?" He asked me curiously as a sly grin spread across his face, and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "Mr. Depp, but don't get any ideas. He's just looking for a friend." I said, and his smile grew. "Tell him to back off a little, I want you as a friend too." Onyx said with a playful look in his eyes. "I will." I replied with a small laugh. After a while we said our goodbyes because I had to get to class. He wished me luck, and I thanked him. But I wasn't sure if he wished me luck for class or for my lunch meet up with Mr. Depp. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind when I reached the chemistry classroom. A couple of people were already there, but it didn't bother me. I took my assigned seat before taking my binder and textbook out. More and more students filled the room before professor Nickson walked in. When the clock struck ten o'clock he shut the classroom door to keep the late students out. Then he took roll call before starting our first lesson. Most of it was note taking, which was expected. Before we were dismissed he told us to read the first chapter in our books. 'Thank god he only wants us to read.' I thought inside of my head as I packed everything up. Instead of going to the cafeteria I went straight to Mr. Depp's office. The door was shut, so I knocked on it. "Come in." His deep voice said from inside. I opened the door to see him sitting at his desk, which was littered with papers and whatnot. He was wearing a buttoned shirt that was a deep indigo color. It matched his skin tone perfectly. The sleeves were rolled up as well. "There you are. I almost forgot I asked you to lunch. Just have a seat, I'll be ready in a couple of minutes; I need to reply to this email first." He said, and I did as he told me. I took a seat in the wooden chair that was facing his desk after taking my backpack off. The smile that was on his face when he saw me filled my stomach with butterflies. I just hoped that I'd be able to act normal around him. Hell, I hoped I'd able to even eat in front of him. I was nervous about getting food on my face or on my shirt. 'Just calm down, Ember. You'll do fine.' I said to myself as I waited on Mr. Depp to finish replying to his email. "Alright, that's finished. Now we can have lunch together, come on... follow me." He said, which took me aback. I thought we were going to eat in his office, but I guess I was wrong. He told me to wait outside of the staff lounge, and so I did. When he came back out into the hallway he had a picnic basket in his hand. "Come on, there's something I want you to see." He said with a smile as he lead me outside and into the staff parking lot. I started to feel nervous and slightly concerned about where he was taking me. 'This is it! This is how you die, Ember. To the hands of a handsome older man that just so happens to be your professor!!' I yelled inside of my head, but I pressed my screaming thought to the back of my mind. He didn't seem like a serial killed, and I just really wanted his attention. Him wanting to take me out for a picnic made me feel more special than I've ever felt in my entire life. "Um... where are we going?" I asked him curiously after he stopped at a midnight blue Subaru legacy. "It's the perfect picnic spot," He said as he opened the passenger car door. I hesitated, because I wasn't sure if I should leave the campus with him. "What's wrong? Do you not trust me?" He asked me curiously with a hurt expression in his beautiful brown eyes. "No, I trust you... It's just... I... I don't know. I wasn't expecting that I'd be leaving campus." I replied. "Oh, well... if you don't want to we don't have to." He said, and my heart broke at how sad he looked. "It's okay. I trust you, Mr. Depp." I replied as I got inside of the car, and cute smile spread across his face. He gently shut the door behind me and I put my seatbelt on as he got in the car as well. "Are you sure you're alright with this? If you aren't comfortable we can stay here." He said before he buckled up. "It's fine. I think a little break from campus wold be nice. Everyone is a little chaotic due to it being the first week." I said, and he smiled again. He gently bit his bottom lip as he put his keys in the ignition and turned on the car. 'Stop being so painfully attractive!' I said inside of my head as I turned away to hide my blushing face. After a few seconds he pulled out of the parking lot and headed down the road past the college and the dorm buildings. The weather was beautiful. A few snow white clouds were floating around in the bright blue sky. It really was a great day for a picnic. "Would you like to listen to some music?" He asked me curiously, and I said yes. Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles played through the car speakers, which made me smile. "Do you like The Beatles? If you don't I can change the station." Mr. Depp's voice said, taking me out of my thoughts. "No, it's okay. I really like The Beatles. My dad listens to them all the time." I replied with a small smile and he smiled too. Eventually he started slowing down. We parked on the side of the road and he shut the radio off before turning the car off. "I think you're gonna love this spot." He said as we un-buckled and got out of the car. He grabbed the picnic basket out of the back of the vehicle, and he lead me into the field. The green grass smelled so fresh and beautiful yellow flowers were growing in the field as well. Mr. Depp was right; this really is the best place for a picnic. We stopped and he laid out a red and white checked blanket for us to sit on. "It's so beautiful here." I said as I took in my surroundings. Butterflies were flying around all over the place. Birds were singing and bees were buzzing around the flowers. "I told you you'd like it. Come here." He said as he patted the space beside of him. I sat down next to him and he opened the picnic basket to get the food he packed. "I hope you like the sandwiches I made for us." He said as he handed me a sandwich in a sandwich baggy. Then he retrieved two bottles of water out for us. "Thanks for making me lunch and bringing me here. You're really sweet." I said, and blushed slightly. I never imagined that I'd call my professor sweet. "You think I'm sweet?" He asked me curiously with a gorgeous smile on his handsome face. His beautiful chocolate brown eyes sparkled as well, and it just made my heart skip a beat. "Of course I think you're sweet. Can you name another professor who would bring their student on a lovely picnic?" I asked, and he ran a hand through his fluffy looking hair as he chuckled. "No, I can't but..." He said, trailing off as he let out a deep sigh. "You're so sweet Ember. I didn't think you'd actually let me befriend you, but you did and I'm so grateful for that." He said with a soft look in his eyes that made my insides melt. "Everyone deserves to have a friend, and I honestly feel honored that you picked me out of all your students." I replied, feeling a little embarrassed. He smiled and we talked about ourselves as we ate the yummy sandwiches he made for us. After we finished eating we laid on our backs and looked up at the clouds floating over us. 'I could stay like this with him forever.' I thought inside of my head as I looked over at him. He looked over at me and his eyes softened as a small smile spread across his face. "Thank you for this, Mr. Depp. I'd stay here all day, but I can't be late for your poetry class." I said, and he chuckled softly. "You can call me Johnny if you want, as long as we're alone. But... I should be the one thanking you." He replied as he put his hands underneath his head and looked back up at the sky. "Really? Why's that?" I asked him curiously with slightly furrowed brows. "Because you gave me a reason to enjoy nature. You... you gave me a reason to enjoy life again." He said after he turned to face me again. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Two years ago I lost my wife. She... she died in a car accident and I haven't been the same since.... well... until I met you. I know it sounds crazy, but I think you and I were meant to find each other." He said with a mixture of emotions swimming around in his eyes. I was feeling a mix of emotions as well. A short moment of silence passed between us before I spoke up again. "Can... can I hug you?" I asked him shyly. "Yeah, you can hug me as long as I can hug you back." He replied, and I said he could. We closed the distance between us and wrapped our arms around each other. My heart sped up from how close we were to each other. I breathed in his scent and saying that he smelled like heaven was an understatement. We broke the hug slightly and he left a gentle kiss on my forehead. I felt myself blush and I hoped he didn't notice. 'I love you!' My entire being screamed when his big brown eyes met mine. But I was thankful I didn't blurt out the way I feel right then and there. My soul ached knowing he and I would only ever be friends, but at least he was sweet, kind, and gentle. Reluctantly we gathered everything up and went back to his car, so we wouldn't be late for poetry class. I just hoped that no one had seen us together so they could spread lies about us.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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