Harvey-The right words

Start from the beginning

"Or is it a guy? don't worry, I don't discriminate."


"C'mon doc, spit it out!"

"ITS Y/N!" Harvey yelled out of embarrassment. Alex blinked a few times before grinning.

"That's awesome doc! I don't blame you, Y/N is cute." Harvey was curled up in a ball in his chair, trying to hide the red on his face.

     "Y-You know what? F-Forget I asked!"

     "Now hold on doc! Don't give up just yet! You asked me for advice and let me tell you, you came to the right person." Harvey looked. up at the jock, who seemed more into it than Harvey was.

     "Here's what you gotta do..."

     Y/N never ran so fast in their life. They had a feeling someone was watching them for the last week, and it was none other than the town doctor Harvey. Y/N didn't know if they should be happy or concerned about it.

     Y/N entered their house and sat on the couch, trying to take their mind off of today by watching some television. A few hours past and they finally forgot about everything. That is, until they heard a knock on the door.

     Y/N felt uneasy, but didn't want to be rude, so they made their way to the door. they unlocked the door and slightly cracked it open.

     "Yes?" The asked.

     "Y/N? I-It's me, Harvey."

     "Hello Harvey. What can I do for you at this hour?"

"I-I wanted to apologize for today. I know I was being a bit...strange, b-but there's something I've been meaning to tell you for a while." Y/N paused for a minute before fully opening the door.

"Alright I'll bite, who talked you into this?"

"N-No one did! I just wanted to say sorry for being such a weirdo..." a slight slice filled the air for a few seconds.

"A-Alright! I-It was Alex!"

Y/N sighed before inviting Harvey inside. They sat on Y/N's couch, then Y/N spoke up.

"I'm sorry if I was cold to you before. It's just hard to get to know people sometimes."

"I know how you feel Y/N...it took a long time to get to know everyone in this town." Harvey was playing with his tie. He never felt more shy in his life.

"I was a lot worse when I was younger." Y/N said. "I had to be homeschooled because of my anxiety. But moving out here and being with nature, I don't know, it just made me feel better."

"Y-Yeah, I could say the same. I had to meet the people here, whether I liked it or not. I'm glad I did though." Harvey responded. He turned to Y/N, who was listening intently.

"L-Look Y/N, there's something I've been needing to tell you for a while..."

"I'm listening Harvey."


"You can do it Harvey." Harvey took a deep breath.

"I've been wanting to get closer to you for a while. You make me want to know more and I hope that you'll give me a chance to get to know you."


"Y-You don't have to say anything Y/N. I'll see myself out..." Harvey stood up and was about to leave, until Y/N stopped him.

"H-Harvey wait!" Y/N got a slight grip on Harvey's jacket. Harvey turned to Y/N. They had the same look on their faces. The flustered look.

"Maybe we can get to know each other. I want to know more about you Harvey. It just took me a while to adjust to this place, but now I think I'm ready to make some friends."

Harvey smiled slightly at Y/N, who shyly smiled back.

"I-I'm glad to hear it Y/N. Where should we start?"

"How about our hobbies?"

Y/N and Harvey both learned something that day. About themselves and each other. And who knows? Maybe they grew into something more than friends.


Sorry it took me a while to get to this. My dog had to get stitches and I was too worried to write anything. But now he's better than ever and I can get back to you guys!

Also why does the farmer remind me of Sebastian in this oneshot?

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