Harvey-The right words

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Requested by lovely K00lDino

Y/N felt like they were on top of the world. Whenever chores needed to get done, they were right on it. The animals on the farm were always there when Y/N needed to talk. No amount of work or dangers could drain them of their energy. Well, except for maybe one thing...people.

     If you saw Y/N, the last thing you'd expect them to be was shy. What people didn't know, was that Y/N was an introvert. Their shyness could rival that of Harvey's, who, despite his shyness, admired Y/N for their hidden confidence.

     How does Harvey know of Y/N's capabilities? Well, he may or may not have secretly watched them while he was out at one point. Harvey didn't want to be seen as a creep, but he was so curious about the farmer that he just couldn't resist.

     Whenever he spot them outside, he would secretly follow them. This went on for about a week, until Y/N got suspicious. Y/N went out into the beach early in the morning for a quick fish of two. The early morning was perfect, because no one would be outside. Well, expect for Harvey.

Harvey was watching from behind a few trees, just admiring Y/N as their hair shined in the early sun. Y/N was sitting on the edge of the dock with their fishing pole in their hands. This went on for about thirty minutes.

Y/N was about to leave when Harvey lost his balance, causing him to stumble and fall on the sand. He grunted and Y/N jumped. Harvey looked up at Y/N, who's face was all red with embarrassment. Y/N quickly sprinted from the scene. They jumped over Harvey and ran back home.

"W-Wait Y/N! T-This isn't what is looks like!" Harvey stood up as fast as he could but by the time he had composed himself, Y/N was long gone. Feeling ashamed, Harvey made his way to the clinic to open up. As he sat at the counter, he couldn't help but feel guilty about following Y/N.

Damn it Harvey! You scared them off! They must think you're a total loser! Harvey thought to himself.

"You alright there Doc?" Harvey snapped out of his trance and in front of him stood the young athlete, Alex. Alex came in more frequently than others do to him always playing gridball.

"A-Ah Alex! W-What brings you in here today?"

"Well, I might have done something to my ankle again."

"I-I see. Well, if you'll just follow me, I'll take a look at that ankle of yours." Alex settled down on the exam table and Harvey began to look at his ankle. As he was doing so, Alex noticed that Harvey seemed a little flustered and unorganized.

"It seems you only sprained it. Try not to practice so much, and treat it to some ice."

"Alright. Thanks doc." They returned to the front of the clinic. Before Alex left, Harvey worked up ur courage to ask a question.

"Hey Alex? You have a minute?" Alex turned around and gave a smile.

"Sure thing doc! What do you need?"

"Well, do you have any advice on...on..." Harvey struggled to find the words.

"On?" Alex said.



"Y-You know...Dating advice?" Alex's eyes slightly widened but then he gave a confident smirk. He walked over to the counter and leaned over it, practically on the same side as Harvey.

"Well well well doc! This is a surprise! Dating huh? Who's the lucky lady?"

"W-Well I-It's..I-It's ahh.."

Stardew Valley OneShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora