T W E N T Y - O N E

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Turning to run, Malfoy tries to grab Harry by the shoulder I turn to run by his side pulling my dominant hand back, before my knuckles can crunch against Lucious' chin Hermione aims her wand.

"Stupify!" Hermione yells, her wand aimed with accuracy that her spell causes Lucious to be blasted backwards.

Hermione, Harry and I running to catch up with the others, spells exploding around us. 

"Stop them!" Lucious' yells after us. 

The group run through the door, as I run in front of the group to hold the door open to let the group through, Harry is the last one through. 

"Quickly," Hermione beckons "Colloportus!" She yells, the door sealing itself shut. 

"Where's everyone else?" I shudder, looking at the only people left in the clock room. Neville, Hermione Harry and I.

"Harry, they went the wrong way!" Hermione gasps, her hands gripping at the front of her bushy hair.

We stumble around trying to call for the rest of the group, the door blasts off its hinges, all of us diving under desks nearby to cover ourselves from the debrie flying off the newly blasted door.

My eyes land on Hermione as the Death Eaters stalk into the room, all I can is their feet and I tighten my hand on the wand, my left hand covering my nose and mouth to silence my breath. 

"They might have gone on to the hall" One Death Eater, seems to snear. 

"Check under the desks" Bellatrix says cooly.

My eyes widen as I lock eyes with Hermiones, her eyes do the same. My eyes quickly moved to Harry, I shake my head hoping to Merlin that he doesn't do anything stupid. His eyes blaze with fierceness, as he shuffles out from underneath and jumps to his feet.

"Stupify!" He yells, a jet of red light fills the room, as one of the Death Eaters are sent flying off his feet. 

Hermione share the same look, and jump out from under the desks trying to make a b-line for the door, glancing over my shoulder I see Bellatrix's eyes land on Hermione, a smirk forming on her face. 

"Advada--" Bellatrix starts, her snear filled with pure evil.

"Expelliarmus!" Neville roars, pure confidence in his voice. Bellatrix's wand flies from her pale fingers. 

"Stupify!" Harry speaks, turning to her finishing her off. 

Trying to pull open the door, looking into the next room, moving quickly, I spot a familiar red haired boy.

"Ron!" Harry yells, a sign on relief washing over his face. 

At this joyus moment of relief, two Death Eaters enter the room. 

"Impedimenta!" One of them yells, aiming it at us all. 

Harry, Hermione, Neville and I are set flying backward, I feel my back landing and crunch against the black stone wall, feeling my hip crunch on the floor as I impact it. A searing pain shooting through my left side as I fall to the floor. 

"Guys!" I yell, pushing myself up seeing their bodies impact a bookshelf, desk and Harry falls beside me.

"We've got him!" The same Death Eater speaks confidently. 

"Silencio! Stupify!" Hermione bellows, the Death Eater falls silent, then onto the ground. 

Putting out my hand, Harry staggers to his feet. 

"Pretificus Totalus!" Harry yells, his arm drapped over my shoulder as he tries to stand on his own.  

The second Death Eater falls to the ground, stiff as a board. The mute Death Eater tries to go for Hermione making a slashing movement with his wand. Purple flames blast from the wand and slash Hermione across the chest. Her eyes go wide and she falls to the ground. 

"No!" I yell, my heart in my throat I know Harry can manage himself. I run over to Hermione crouching by her side, holding her head in my hands her eyelids slowly opening and closing "Oh don't you dare" I say to her, trying to fight back the tears that bubble at the corner at my eyes.

"Stupify!" Neville's voice shouts in the background. Neville and Harry run over to the pair of us.

"What'd they do to her?" Neville's breathless voice asks, as I rest her head against my knees.

"She's alive, but I'm not sure how long she'll be out for" I say, looking at her "We need to get her out of here, now" looking back to the two boys. 

"I'll take her," Neville offers "You're both better at fighting" He nods, leaning beside Hermione's body and pulling her body over his back as her legs swing loosely, he moves as fast as he can to another room. 

Harry offers his hand, helping me up we move back to the room of doors. 

"Where do we go?" Neville asks, his eyes darting between all the doors.

"I don't know..." Harry answers, his eyes doing the same.

Suddenly a door opens and two bodies emerge from it, my eyes widen. 

The Punch Line ~George Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now