Stuck ~ Allison x Susie

Start from the beginning

Susie sighed and almost bumped into the person she was looking for, Wally Franks, the lazy but nice janitor. Actually he was just as nice as everyone else around the staff while Joey decided to make the craziest decisions possible, but he had been particularly nice to her at the beginning. "Oh, there you are, Susie, I have been looking for ya. I heard ya shouting at Sammy. What happened?"

"Joey and Sammy decided to replace me with that... that new girl, Allison Pendle if I remember her name correctly. Now she's going to voice Alice and I... I will go back to voicing those characters that just appear in the cartoon to never come back again. I have such a deep connection with Alice, but Joey just likes to ruin it! I don't even know why he replaced me! There was no information about it, no reason why, and I just happened to walk in the moment Allison should start voicing Alice. It hurts so much to hear about being replaced like that... It's just not fair!"

"Ya know it's not Sammy's fault, right?" Wally asked. "Joey told him to replace ya with her. If he was the boss he'd have never made that decision..."

"Oh, so you want to protect him now?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow. "I really wouldn't have expected this from you."

"What? Of course not! He's mean to me all the time! I don't want to protect that meanie at all! I just don't think it was his fault Joey made that decision, so you really shouldn't blame him and stop being his friend. You're one of the people around him that stop him from screaming at me..." Wally replied.

Fast steps echoed through the hallway. Both Wally and Susie stopped talking and watched a beautiful woman with dark, silky hair walk around the corner and approach them. It was such nice hair. Why was Susie stuck with her ugly, red hair and those horrible freckles that made everyone judge her while Allison looked like a representation of the lovely angle herself? Even her name fit well! Allison... Alice... So similar! She had liked Allison and even imagined her as more as a friend. But now Allison got what was actually hers. It was her role, not Allison's!

Maybe Susie was a little jealous about Allison's looks, but before she had at least been the voice of Alice Angel. But now...she was nobody again. A part of her that had made her confident was missing now. She felt so...incomplete. Alice had always been a part of her. And now it was as if an aspect of her personality didn't exist anymore.

Allison Pendle smiled at them. "Good morning, Miss Campbell! Good morning, Wally! I have heard yelling, is everything alright?" Allison sure had a cute singing voice and she was always very calm, but it was way too deep for an angel's voice.

Allison looked at Susie. "I think I have seen you in the recording booth an hour ago. Weren't you crying? Are you alright?"

Wally shrugged. "As alright as it can be when someone wasn't told she was going to get replaced." He glanced at Susie. "Ya wanted to say something like this, right?"

"Wait, does that mean you didn't know about anything?!" Allison asked shocked, staring at Susie with her deep blue eyes. "That is just unfair! I will talk to Sammy and Joey. I'm truly sorry about that, I really didn't know-" Allison did her best to be nice and polite, but for Susie it felt like she was just trying to be a copy of her.

"You're wasting your breath, dear. I don't care what you want to say. All I care about is the fact that you took something I loved away from me. And that is reason enough to make your life worse, too," Susie interrupted her. Before Wally and Allison could react the other woman left, not looking back once.

"Welp, you're dead," Wally muttered. "It was nice to have known you, Allison."

"Why does she have to be so stubborn?" Allison asked Wally a few weeks later. "I didn't mean to take her role like that! If I had known she wasn't informed and hadn't ever agreed on it I would never..." Allison sighed, rubbing her temples. "Joey doesn't even let me give her the role back. He told me that I was the better one of us, and then he said I should deal with this 'small problem' on my own. What a jerk!"

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