Not Long Enough

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My eyes flutter open and directly above me is Pazdyn. It takes me a minute to realize that I fell asleep on his lap. I'm so glad my mom is so supportive and not over protective... But at the same time... Nothing bad can really happen. I mean...

1. nobody else can see me

2. It's not like it's possible for me to get pregnant

And 3. she trusts me.

I yawn and he wipes a strand of hair away from my eyes.

Lestarr is asleep in the chair beside us. We must've all fallen asleep during the movie.

"Hey, I should probably go." He smiles, "Its 12:00... Everyone's asleep."

"No, it's fine. Stay. Please..?" I ask, sitting up and he chuckles, "Are you sure your parents would-" he stops himself mid sentence and bites his bottom lip.

"Oh I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I smile, "Really. It's fine."

"They won't mind." I smile and stand up.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm just gonna go get something from my room. I'll be right back."

I stand up and walk to my room, gently pushing the door partway shut behind me.

"Hello Marrison." I turn around and see my dad. For the first time in my life I run to him, knowing that since we are the same thing, I can finally hug him. I wrap my arms around him and cry.

I begin to ask for him to explain everything to me, but he starts talking before I get my point across.

"I'm glad you know. I am. I've been...well, all around. Your mother didn't want me to stay around for too long at a time... Neither of us wanted you to know yet... But now that you do, in relieved."

"I get it." I smile, trying hard not to show that I'm sort of disappointed in them.

"You really like him... Don't you?" He peaks through the cracked open door and I nod.

"Yeah. I love him. A lot."

"He seems like a good kid."

"Oh you have no idea." I smile

"This is hard, yeah? It'll take some getting used to... Are you okay?"

I smile, "Actually, I'm pretty perfect."

He puts his hands on my shoulders, "Of course you are. You always have been."

He hugs me once more and I forget what I walked into my room to grab.

"Go, sit with him. I'll be here when you wake up tomorrow."

"You're not leaving again." I ask and he shakes his head.

"Honey, I'm not going anywhere." He kisses my forehead and opens my door, beckoning for me to go. Pazdyn, already asleep, rolls over almost falling off the couch and we both laugh.

"I love you." He smiles, "I missed my girl."

"Don't you mean your superhero and your princess?" I smile and he nods, looking first at Les, then at me.

"Yes, of course." He kisses my forehead and disappears into the kitchen.

I grab a blanket and cover myself and Pazdyn with it. As if on instinct, he wraps his arms around me and I smile.

"Hey," Pazdyn whispers, only half awake, "Tell your dad that I'm sorry I stole his little princess."

I smile and kiss his cheek.

"It was time for the princess to go find her prince.."

"Well I don't know who this prince is..." He smiles, "But I'd say she has a pretty damn cool knight."

I laugh

"How long have you known?"

"Known what?" I say

"That you love me." He smiles

I think about the first question I ever asked him and smile, remembering his response.

"So..." He smiles after a moment, how long?"

I smile.

"Not long enough."

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