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"Hey, baby," Charles Lee wrapped his arms around Thomas, pulling him onto his lap, "how was your day?"
  "Hm, oh, it was fine," Thomas answered absentmindedly, "how was your day, Papi?"
  "My day was good, better now that I can see my baby," Charles mumbled quietly into Thomas' ear.
  "When will Daddy be home?" Thomas asked without looking up, flipping the page of his book.
  "Later tonight, so you and I can have some fun..." Charles trailed off suggestively.
  "Papi, I don't want to get punished tonight. I'm still sore from the last time," Thomas said, almost scolding.
  Charles pouted lightly, but opted to nip lightly at Thomas' neck.
  Thomas tilted his neck to the side, still not looking up from the book he had been reading. "No marks, Daddy'll get mad."
  Charles chuckled and leaned back, causing Thomas to release a petulant whine. "Do you want something, baby?"
Thomas pouted, swiveling around on Charles' lap, "pleeeease," he whined, "you know what I want."
"You want to wait until Daddy gets home," Charles teased, rubbing gently at Thomas' thigh.
"I hate you," huffed Thomas.
------- three months ago --------
"John, Alexander, we're going to be late to the office party," shouted Thomas.
"In a minute, Tommy, Alex is just," John called back, "being Alex."
Thomas heard an indignant squawk which he assumed was Alexander's response.
He sighed lightly, he loved his boys, he really did. It's just, he felt kind of left out, as if he was only there to spoil and love the other two, but not get anything in return.
"Hey, you okay?" John asked, flicking Thomas' forehead.
"Everythin' is just peachy," a fake grin, a fake answer.
"Good, we're ready to go now!" Alexander bounced up and down, "let's go, Thomas!"
Thomas let out another, almost exasperated sigh, lord help him, he just wanted to be loved.


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