Everyone nodded and went to the wall full of cases to get our costumes. I grabbed mine and followed all the girls to the girl's locker room.

While everyone was changing we heard some chatter from the boy's locker room next door. Which was weird, because the walls were supposed to be sound proof... We then heard Mineta's voice. "Guys, look at what I found! Now we can see into the girl's locker room. Whoa, look at Uraraka and Midoriya's boobs! Wow, see Yaoyorozu's butt!"

I stopped in my tracks and covered my chest with my costume, my emerald eyes were wide when Jiro discovered a little peephole in the wall of the girl's locker room. The girl with the purple hair then saw Mineta and used her earphone jacks and stabbed the pervert with them.

"What is wrong with you?!" We heard Iida scold Mineta.

"You're a little bastard for doing and talking like that," I heard Shoto say to the pervert, then we heard a loud slapping noise, probably meaning he hit Mineta on the face.

Yaoyorozu walked over to me, "Are you okay Midoriya? I know that comment upset you." I looked at the taller girl and nodded.

"I'm fine, what about you? That must of made you pretty angry," I said to her.

"It's okay, I sit in front of him, I am already used to it."

Uraraka joined into the conversation, "that perv needs a lesson!" The brunette stated to us.

Asui nodded, "he grabbed my breasts during the villain attack at the USJ, he's disgusting."

"I wanna give him a swift kick in the crotch," Jiro told the group, putting on her leather jacket.

The girls and I finished dressing, and I still felt very uncomfortable about what Mineta did. When all of us made it to the fake city, Shoto made his way over to me. "Are you okay? I can't believe Mineta said that to you."

I looked at the taller male and nodded, "I'm fine, but I wanna stay away from the creep as far as possible knowing he saw my chest..." I confessed, looking down at my shoes.

"I already gave him a good slap on the face, so I think he knows what's coming next if he comes near you or any of the girls," Shoto said.

"I know, I heard the loud 'smack' all the way in the girl's locker room," I laughed. Shoto chuckled a little and we both quieted when we saw Mr. Aizawa make his way in front of us.

"Let me explain what's happening today. There is one Pro-Hero hiding in one of these building, pretending to be a hidden victim. When you get into your groups of five, you will start looking when I say go. Get into your teams!"

Already knowing who I want to be on my team, I walked over to Uraraka and Asui. We then asked Iida and Todoroki to join us, and they both agreed right away. The other teams of five were Ashido, Kacchan, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari; Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Tokoyami, Shoji, and Sato; Ojiro, Hakakure, Koda, and Aoyama. Mineta wasn't here because Iida reported him to Principal Nezu. Thank you so much, Iida.

"Alright, GO!" Mr. Aiawa yelled, and all the teams started running into the large fake city. My team huddled around each other in a random ally way and started discussing a plan.

"What should we do, team?" I asked everyone, thinking of ideas of my own.

"I have an idea," Iida informed us, "how about you guys split up into two, and I will use my quirk to run around the buildings, looking for any clues for the missing hero."

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