Chapter 1. How could you do this to me?

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50 years before...!

It was so dark in the middle of the night this village nearby had this party going, it was so stupid, But Holo and Inuyasha had been walking through the woods, and went to check out the festival, they covered up their ears and her tail, Humans had no idea what he was or of what she was, it was fun, they manage to get free food by sneaking it.

They had been best friends for years now, He met her 30 years after his mother's death, so he was about the age of a 13-year-old boy, or so he appeared. He loved her, He cared for her, He was sure of that, But he was so dense too, He didn't think she could truly love him, They both got along because they both didn't have a family, Or anywhere to go, So when she allowed him to travel with her, She train him, He learned how to fight because of this Wolf Demoness and half human, He was half dog demon and half human, So they have some common ground, She was his best friends, And he loved her that way, He always assume she was more like his sister.

Holo hadn't ever tried to admit how she truly felt, But she at first refused to admit that she was in love with him, She and Inuyasha had been best friends for a long time, But it wasn't hurting anyone that they did have feelings right, I mean who...

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Holo hadn't ever tried to admit how she truly felt, But she at first refused to admit that she was in love with him, She and Inuyasha had been best friends for a long time, But it wasn't hurting anyone that they did have feelings right, I mean who else would love them for who they are, And what they are, She accepted him as a Half Dog demon and human, She could live with that, And he accepted her with being a wolf demoness and half human, So it was cool. But now they have been together for almost over 100 years together, they both were in a very primal state, In a time where mating for demon's happens, But Inuyasha assumed he could fight it, That desire, But he was way over his head.

And so was Holo, but she finally admitted that to herself that she was in love, She was ready to take the step she wanted, She wanted to be with Inuyasha forever, She was positive that this was what she wanted.


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"Inuyasha....! Spoken up Holo" gently. "Yeah? Asks Inuyasha" drinking down the beers like crazy.

"You should slow it down, Say's Holo" gently taking the cup from him, and then took a drink herself. "Your kind of bossy, Holo, Replied Inuyasha" annoyed.

"I am just making sure that no one takes advantage over you, spoken up Holo" crossing her arms. "Oh, are you jealous of these girls, they've got nothing on you, You're the most beautiful of all of them, Says Inuyasha" honestly so drunk he told her feelings his inner demon wanted to admit.

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