Chapter 40

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Monday afternoon and we were in the middle of practice. I hadn't talked to anyone, Sara especially, in about a day in a half. At this point I didn't even know what I was mad about. Although I don't think I ever really knew exactly what it was I was mad about. Sara got the hint that I didn't want to talk after the first five hours of me not texting back. Braddock had us running drills and going over plays. I was so stuck in my own head that I kept going the wrong way or passing to late or just flat-out not doing what he wanted. He kept yelling at me. By the end of it I wanted to start screaming and yelling and just get the hell out of there. When practice was finally over I was burning. I felt like my skin was on fire. I walked over to the pile of crap that was out stuff. I grabbed my backpack out of the gym. As I was walking down the hall walking got annoying. The hall just seemed to be getting longer and longer. Next thing I know I'm full on sprinting out the door. I got to my car and threw my stuff in the back seat. Before I knew it Sara was in the passengers seat next to me. I just looked at her.

"Avery wants going with you?" She asked completely monotonous.

"Nothing. Wheres your car?" I was deflecting.

"It needed an oil change so its in the shop. Stop changing the subject." She said not breaking eye contact. I just rested my head on the steering wheel.

"I don't like thinking of you with other girls. It pisses me off. Especially thinking of you with Kris."

"Avery look at me." I picked my head up from the steering wheel.

"Me and Kris never did anything farther than making out. We never actually dated. And at the time she didn't even know for sure if she was into girls. It wasn't anything." I just rolled my eyes and put my head back on the steering wheel.

"Can you say something?" She asked still watching me.

"Sara you're the first girl I've ever dated. You're one of the only people I have ever loved. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. Not even Kris, and I don't know just realizing that you have been with other people hurts my head." I still had my head on the steering wheel. I turned my head just a bit so I could Sara. When i looked at her, her eyes were kind of watery. She looked like she was going to cry. What the hell? I sat up really quick and put my hands on her face and wiped her tears with my thumbs.

"What? Sara please stop. I won't be a bitch anymore. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you I'm really fucking sorry." Sara just put her hand on mine and shook her head.

"Ave I love you. I love you so much." She said through the tears. I had no idea what was going on.

"Sara you're freaking me out." I said completely honest.

"I'm sorry." She said but she was still crying a bit.

"Babe please stop." I was begging at this point. I wiped the last couple of tears that fell from her eyes.

"Okay, okay I'm stopping. But Avery stop being bitchy." She laughed.

"Okay I'll stop." I pulled her face towards me and kissed her lips. After she pulled back she said

"Now lets get something to eat. I'm starving."

"Okay babygirl what do you want to eat?" I asked putting the car in drive.

"I don't care you pick."

"I just want a smoothie. That okay?" I asked

"Sure I can get a sandwich or something."


As we stood in line at the smoothie place I couldn't decide on what I wanted. I was going back and forth between a peanut butter smoothie thing or a more fruity smoothie. Sara was behind me looking at the menu on the wall. I decided get the peanut butter thing.

"How can I help you?" Asked the young girl behind the counter.

"Yeah hi can I get the peanut butter smoothie please. And whatever she wants." I said gesturing to Sara who was still staring at the menu. I tapped her shoulder,

"Hey babe what're you getting?" I asked. Sara turned around and gave her order to the girl behind the counter. After I paid we sat down at one of the few tables they had here in the little shop. Sara and were both on our phones when I heard someone behind us say

"Sara?" At this Sara looked up and smiled and waved. I turned around to see some girl. She was tall with dark brown hair and crystal blue eyes. She had on spandex and a tank top. Standard track wear. They must be practicing already because seasons about to start. I turned my attention back to Sara who was getting up to hug her.

"Hey what's up?" Sara asked. I was still sitting down eyeing the girl hugging my girlfriend.

"Oh nothing much. I just got out of track practice. We're starting early this year." The girl said faking irritation.

"Oh yeah I heard. Avery can't wait for track." Sara said sarcastically and simultaneously remembering I was there. The girl looked down at me and said

"Oh hi its nice to meet you Avery. You're Saras girlfriend right?" I stood up and smiled.

"Yeah I am. Who are you?" It came out a little more aggressive than I meant it to but she didn't seem to notice. Sara did though.

"Oh sorry I'm Sophie. Sara and I have history together. She saved my ass, if it weren't for her I wouldn't have passed our last big test." As she said this she put her hand on Sara's shoulder and I wanted to pull Sara into me but I knew I'd get in trouble so I didn't. After another minute or two of small talk Sophie got her take out order and left. As soon as Sara and I sat down I knew I was in trouble.

"You didn't have to be rude Avery." Sara said. Ugh again with the full name.

"Fine fine. I'm sorry." I didn't feel like arguing with her. I'd already been pissy enough for the past few days.

"You know I think you'd like her. She's really cool. And if you guys become friends you can hang out in track meets." She said picking at her salad.

"I don't think so but you never know." I said shrugging my shoulders. This girl irritated me. She was too friendly with Sara.

"Stop being jealous. You don't have anything to be jealous of." Sara said as she put a couple of pieces of lettuce I her mouth.

"I'm not jealous." I said a little too quickly.

"Shut up Ave." Ha she didn't use my full name. I wasn't in trouble anymore.

"Make me." I said as I took a drink out of my smoothie. Sara just gave me that little smirk that drove me crazy. God I love her.


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