Chapter 16

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The next morning I woke up with Sara cuddled up against my side. I roll over very slowly and just stare at her. Her eyelids are fluttering so she must be dreaming. Her hair is a mess but she still looks pretty. I lay there for a couple more minutes and think about all the crap I'm putting up with. All this Kris drama and then everything with Sara. Everything with Sara is just so easy. If I want to kiss her kiss her. If I want to hold her hand I do it. I should feel something for her, but I cant, because I'm in love with my best friend. When my thoughts got too heavy I finally got up to brush my teeth, Sara was still asleep. It was only 6:30 in the morning. I had already put the toothpaste on my toothbrush when I heard my phone ring. I hauled ass to my night stand to get my phone so it wouldn't wake up Sara, but it was too late. She was already stirring. I picked up my phone and I saw Kris' picture on my phone.

"Mmmm who the fuck is calling this early?" Sara asked still half asleep

"Nice mouth." I laughed "Its Kris. I'll just call her back later."

"Mmm okay." She said as she rolled over with her back against me. After a couple of seconds she said,

"Are you going to get in bed or not?" She hummed. I thought of my toothbrush still sitting on the counter.

"Yeah let me just finish up in the bathroom." It didn't matter but she was already asleep.

I walked back to the bathroom and sent Kris a quick text that said "Hey sorry cant talk now. Call later?" After that I turned my phone off and got back in bed with Sara. I wrapped my arms around her as she rolled over and snuggled up into me. I meant to only close my eyes for a second but I ended up falling asleep holding onto Sara.


When I woke up again it was 11:30. I rolled over to feel for Sara but she wasn't there. I sat up still groggy and half asleep. I called out for Sara but there was no answer. She must've gone home, which was weird because she got dropped off. I sat up and grabbed my phone off of the night stand. As soon as I opened it I saw all the missed calls and texts from Kris. I felt like my head was on overload. As I read all the text there were so many thoughts going through my head and they were all overpowering me.

Avery pick up its an emergency.

Avery where the hell are you. I need you please pick up.

Ave this isn't funny

Fine whatever.

All the text messages were stamped at 7:15ish to 7:45ish. I called her back and just listened to the phone ring. My heart was beating so fast. I didn't even know what was going on. All I knew was that there was an emergency and that the thought of kris being hurt was killing me. I didn't know what happened and had no idea what I was going to hear but I had a really bad feeling. Something was very wrong and had no idea what I was about to get into. The phone just kept ringing. I hung up and called again, same thing. Before I could stop myself I got up threw on a hoodie and my basketball shorts and headed over to Kris'.

As I pulled up to Kris' house I drove right past and headed home. Mack's white jeep was parked right outside of Kris' house. I wanted to stop I really did but my presence would only add fuel to the fire. Instead of going home decided to take a drive. What the hell was going on. And how the hell could Kris let Mack hurt her over and over again. I know that all this is because of her. As I kept driving I couldn't stop thinking and right now I didn't want to think. I decided to go to the park near my house. I already had my basketball and my shoes in the trunk. As I drove there I debated on whether or not to call Sara. Oh shit. I hadn't even called to ask where she went. She left this morning and I don't even know how. As I pulled up to the park I parked my car and text Sara. I got out of my car took my hoodie off and grabbed my ball and shoes.

Layup after layup, shot after shot, I couldn't get them out of my head. Everything with Sara and her liking me, everything with Kris and her not liking me back or even knowing. I kept shooting, running after the ball going in for a layup, practicing my shot trying to stop thinking. None of it was working. I finally set the ball down and laid on the court.

"You're going to run yourself ragged if you keep practicing like that." I looked up to see Kara standing over me. I felt my eyes roll involuntarily.

"What're you doing here?" I asked irritated as hell. "Wheres your other half?" I asked just to spite her. She just rolled her eyes.

"Kristina was busy thats why I'm here by myself, but please don't get up for my sake." I was currently still on the ground. Kara and Kristina were the two posts on my team and they were joined at the hip I swear. They annoyed the hell out of me but I guess this day just wanted to fuck me over. At least it was just one of them and not both.

"I'm comfortable right where I am." I said

"Well if you don't get up I'm going to end up hitting you with the ball." I rolled my eyes again and got up.

"Whats up your ass?" She asked as she put her hand on her hip and pursing her lips. Kara was famous for this stance. She did it any time ref gave her a foul or Braddock told her she was doing something wrong or when she was getting annoyed with someone. This situation was the last option.

"None of your business." I said full of irritation.

"Fine whatever you say." She said while putting her hands in the air. "Are you gonna play me or not?" I got up grabbed the ball.

"Fine but I get ball first."

After a couple of games we finally took a break. Kara beat me twice and I beat her once. I blame it on her height. It wasn't fair. Despite everything that had happened today I was actually having fun with Kara. No one on the team liked to play me one on one because they said I was too fast or whatever.

"So are you gonna tell me what was up your ass earlier?" Kara asked

"It was nothing, just my own crap." I said staring at the Nike symbol on my shoes.

"Is it about Kris?" She asked

"God this is annoying" I said. I mean hell did everyone know?

"Well theres a lot of shit going on with you guys and Mack." She said

"Yeah well its annoying. Especially because its always my fault. Something happened earlier and I don't even know what. Oh shit." I realized I hadn't checked my phone in over an hour. I got up and ran over to the bench I had left my phone on. Kara just laughed at me and made a whipped sound. I ignored her and checked my phone. Sara had text me back. She just said her mom needed some help around the house and picked her up. Kris had just text me five minutes ago. All she said was 'Can you come over?'

"I have to go. I'll see you at practice Monday." Kara just waved me off as I ran to my car. As I drove off I realized that before checked my phone I hadn't thought about Kris for two hours. It was kind of nice. 

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