Chapter 15

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As I sat with Kris I couldn't stop staring at her lips. They were so pink and perfect. Just like her. She was talking about something but I couldn't really hear her. I was staring at her lips I couldn't take it anymore. I leaned in and kissed her. I ran my hands through her dirty blonde hair and I felt her lean into my kiss. Her body moving closer to mine. I pulled back for a second and when I opened my eyes it wasn't kris in front of me, it was Mack.

In a panic came out of my dream huffing and puffing trying to catch my breath. Trying to get that dream or nightmare out of my head. I looked over and saw Sara in my bed. I forgot she had spent the night. For some reason after that dream I didn't want be around Sara. Everything with Kris seemed so real for a second. And seeing Mack seemed ever realer. But something about kissing Kris made me feel weird about waking up to Sara right next to me. I slowly got out of bed making sure not to wake Sara I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand and headed for the kitchen. Before I could think twice unlocked my phone and called Kris. It rang twice before she answered.

"Ave? Are you okay?" From her voice I could tell she was still half asleep

"Yeah I'm okay. I just couldn't sleep."

"Thats okay. Did you have another nightmare?" For a while when things were getting bad with my family I started having nightmares and would wake up kris all the time.

"Yeah, I did." I turned on the kitchen light and flinched from the brightness of the light.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. I could tell she was waking up a bit more

"No, I'm okay." There was no way in hell I was going to tell her about this one.

"Sara's here." I said, not really knowing why, but I did. I grabbed a juice box and sat on the kitchen table.

"Oh. Why didn't you wake her up?" The was she asked it wasn't irritated but it wasn't right. The way she asked was just weird.

"Because she's not you Kris." I looked down at my box and started playing with the straw.

"I love you Ave." I know she didn't mean it the way I wanted her too. But it was okay.

"I know." I couldn't say it back.

"Try and get some sleep. You must be tired after the game. Goodnight Ave."

"Goodnight Kris." As I hung up the phone I threw my juice box away and moved to the couch. I just sat there with my knees at my chest staring into the dark. I couldn't explain it but I felt hollow. I guess because I knew I could never have her. After a good twenty minutes of wallowing in self pity I went back to my room.

As I slowly got back under the covers I scooted closer to Sara and wrapped my arm around her. She was so warm. For a second I forgot about the thoughts in my own head and fell asleep.  

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