Andy squeezed in the little space between his mom and the couch playing his new game. Odell sat on the other side of Demi placing his hands over her stomach, smiling when the baby actually started kicking.

"She knows her daddy" Demi chuckled.

"We still have to pick a name for her," Odell said.

"Ummm what about Ava?" Demi suggested.

" I like that. Ava Alice Beckham " he said.

"Cute. I think I'm done after her, giving birth is so painful" Demi groaned just thinking about the fact that she has to push this baby out of her.

"Oh so glad I don't have to go through that," he said laughing.

" Can you rub my back later tonight?" Demi asked.

" yeah but you if want I can call up a massage therapist to come over?" He suggested.

"Um yeah that'll be great," Demi said.

" I'll go call right now," he said before he left to go upstairs.

" mommy?" Andy called tapping his mother.

"Yes, baby?"

" Is he my daddy?" Andy asked.Demi was shocked what the little boy had asked her, she knew he'll ask one day but not this soon. Andy dad was just a client of hers.

" No baby he's not, he's your sister's daddy," Demi said.

" where's my daddy? I want a daddy too" Andy said to his mother, his eyes getting all watery.

Odell was listening in on the whole conversation. He felt bad that the little boy didn't have a father figure in his life. Odell walked over to where Andy and Demi were sitting, he sat down on the coffee table right in front of them.

"Hey buddy, I know I'm Ava's dad.....but if you want I can be yours too" he said wiping the little's boy tears away.

"C-C-Can he be my daddy mommy? I want him to" Andy said looking at his mom.

Demi didn't want to say no to her baby, but she didn't want to confuse him either when she actually starts dating.

" sure baby," she said not wanting to disappoint Andy.


" Was that just to make him feel better or were you serious?" Demi asked.

" I didn't have a male role model in my life so I know how it feels so to answer your question I was serious" Odell said as he fixed himself a sandwich.

"I just don't want him to get hurt, he carries his heart on his shoulders. His dad left when I told him I was pregnant, kicked me out which lead me to living in shelters and stripping"

"we spoke about this wayyy at the beginning. You ain't got to worry about nothing"

"I know but...thanks" she said


Demi woke up with unbearable pains, she thought that maybe if she was to have a hot bath that it'll make it better but it didn't. Demi got up, walking to Bomba's room Naked.

"Odell " Demi called.


"Mhmm," he mumbled but didn't turn over.

"ODELL!" Demi screamed.

He jumped up quickly when he heard his name.

"What the hell you're doing?" He asked questioning why Demi was naked.

" I'm having contractions," Demi said, holding her stomach.

"Shit she's early," Bomba said, grabbing his phone making a call to the doctor.

" come on you need to put some clothes on and I'm going to go wake Andy up and grab the car seat and baby," he said slipping on a shirt.

Demi waddled to her room, throwing on a simple dress and her sandals. She was in so much pain right now she stood at the door waiting for Odell. Andy ran over to his mom holding her stomach.

"What's wrong mommy?" He asked.

" Your sister is coming baby"

"Odell please hurry!" Demi yelled as another one hit her.

Odell came rushing down the stairs with everything. Picking Andy up, he ran outside putting everything in the car before going back in for Demi.

"Come on let's get you in the car"


" she's so beautiful," Odell said looking at his daughter in his arms.

" Yeah, she is. She looks nothing like me though" Demi chuckled.

" guess my genes strong. My princess"

" gosh I'm so done with having kids," Demi said.

" thank you for this amazing gift" Odell said not taking his eyes off his daughter.

Odell and Demi stories(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now