S: 1 Ep: 3

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The long awaited Episode 3! P.S chapter 4 will be long

(At Lucy's cabin)


Lucy's POV


Even a week after my encounter I still haven't told anyone about what I saw, I just couldn't. I haven't gone back either, I'm just too scared. Sighing I look out the window, the sky is black and filled with twinkling stars. 

During the week we had made quite a bit of progress on the camp, well now it's like a mini town. We had cleared away some vegetation, allowing more room for houses. Everyone had a small fence surrounding their house and we even had a small dock for fishing out on the lake. Everyone's house is made and even the 'hotel' is finished!  


Timeskip (30 minutes later)


After thinking about it a little longer I decided to go and check it out again. I had gotten dressed and had a small light. Walking around the lake I got to the waterfall. I took a deep breath and walked into the cave behind the waterfall. 

Lucy- "Hello?" After not getting an answer I decided to leave. 

???- "That stunt you pulled the other day made me a little upset. Seeing as you didn't get my name." 

Lucy- "Your here?" I was puzzled, I couldn't see anything.

???- "Obviously, or I wouldn't be talking to you."

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