S: 1 Ep: 2 Part 2: Someday

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Blah, blah, blah, first story don't hate, blah, blah, blah, more self promoting stuff.

Speaking: Name- "Words" other explanatory stuff, Thoughts: Name- *words* other explanatory stuff.

I don't own fairytail (but I wish I did!) I'm going to try and do a full and half chapter each week.


Erza's POV


I was starting to get worried, Lucy had left a few hours ago and she still wasn't back. Gray was outside his cabin, making it a bit better looking, I noticed that Lucy had finished her house. Me being curious, I walked up the small set of stairs onto the porch, the door was slightly open so I just pushed it and walked in.

Erza- "How did she get all of this furniture? We're in the middle of nowhere!" I asked myself.

Gray- "Hey Erza! Do you know where Lucy is? She went on a walk earlier and still hasn't come back." Gray ran into Lucy's cabin and nearly knocked me over. 

Erza- "I don't know, I thought that  maybe someone else did, I came in here to see if she was in here but once I saw she was gone I was planning on asking around." I told him, I was starting to get worried, if she hadn't returned than maybe she was in trouble! And if she's in trouble than she could die! And if she dies than I can't tell her! And if I can't tell her than I would be ruined!

Gray- "Are you okay? You look like you have a fever, maybe you should take a nap or something." Gray suggested. His words broke me out of my thoughts.

Erza- "I'm fine! Now let's go find Lucy!" I growled, I would tell her, someday, I will... but first, we need to find her.


Lucy's POV


Lucy- *What am I supposed to do?! I'm all alone, in a stupid cave with a DRAGON!!! How do I escape? I hope someone comes and finds me... if not, I'm dead.* I looked around, I was still in the cave, I'm assuming that a few hours have passed since I left on my walk, people should be looking for me right? They wouldn't have left Fairytail if they didn't want to follow me!?

???- "You really shouldn't judge things on what they look like in the outside, I don't like eating humans, I prefer fish." There's that voice again! But where is it coming from? There's no one else in the cave, unless... the dragon is talking? 

Lucy- "Hello? Are you truly not going to eat me? How did you hear me? I was thinking?!" I asked, it was very quiet though, I was still scared, even if this dragon said that she liked fish to humans that doesn't mean that she was telling the truth.

???- "Actually you said everything out loud. It was very funny." The female voice said, it was followed by a quiet laugh. 

Lucy- "Is that so..." I stood up and walked to the cave entrance, as soon as I was outside I bolted, running as fast as I possibly could, I looked back, then ran into something hard and fell down knocking what ever I ran into over with me.

Lucy- "Ouch!" I put me hands up to my head, groaning in pain. I slowly opened my eyes, I was lying on the ground with a certain redhead, she opened her eyes. 

Erza- "Lucy!!! How could you?! You just left! Not telling anyone where you were going! We were worried sick!" I looked up and saw Gray, Wendy, Carla, and Levy. 

Lucy- "Sorry?" Erza sighed and shook her head, laughing a little. I saw her smiling, and everyone around was smiling so I decided to smile too.

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