S: 1 Ep: 1 What true pain feels like...

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Blah, blah, blah, first story don't hate, blah, blah, blah, more self promoting stuff. 

Speaking: Name- "Words" other explanatory stuff, Thoughts: Name- *words* other explanatory stuff.

I don't own fairytail (but I wish I did!)  I'm going to try and do a full and half chapter each week.


No one's POV


Lisanna had returned from the "dead" about three months ago. Lucy walked into the guild, everyone ignored her but by now she was used to it, only a few members payed any attention to her. Master Makarov, Mira, Lisanna, Wendy, Erza, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Levy, Laxus and his group, the exceeds, and Master Mavis, who came to check up on her every week. Lucy walked forward and sat down at an empty table near the bar, where Mira was looking at her with concern. Lucy had been showing up less and less. 

Mira- "You okay Lucy, you seem more distant than normal today." Mira walked around the bar where she sat down across from Lucy, Lucy folded her arms on the table on put her head on her arms. 

Lucy- "It's going to happen today, I can feel it." Lucy muttered more to herself than anyone.

Mira- "What's going to happen today?" Mira asked Lucy urgently. Before Lucy could answer Natsu kicked open the doors. 

Natsu- "Yo!!!" Natsu shouted, he then walked over to Lucy.

Lucy- "Just be patient Mira, you'll see."  Lucy whispered to Mira before Natsu got to her. 

Natsu- "Hmm, this spot looks like the perfect place to practice my magic!" Natsu said happily as he lit his hands on fire, he then started punching Lucy, using her as his own personal dummy. When he was finished Mira was standing up shocked, Lucy was on the floor covered in burns and blood, and Natsu was walking over to Lisanna who was sitting at the bar staring at Natsu in disgust. 

Natsu- "Oh and by the way, your off Team Natsu you weak coward!" Natsu shouted at Lucy without turning around or stopping. 

Lucy- *So this, is what true pain feels like.*


Lucy's POV


I walked up to Master's office, Wendy had just come into the guild when Natsu had finished, she ran over to me and healed me enough so I could walk. Master Makarov was sitting on his desk surrounded by stacks of papers. I knocked on the door so he would see me, he smiled a little bit but it disappeared once he saw the expression on my face.

Lucy- "Master, I would like to leave the guild, I've been abused and ignored lately and I can't take it any more, this would also give me the chance to train and become stronger." Lucy walked forward showing her Fairytail emblem, Makarov hesitantly removed it. 

Makarov- "I understand child." I gave him a big hug and opened the door, a pile of people was made on the floor.

Lucy- *My only true friends.* I thought as I saw the people on floor getting up.

Everyone- "If your leaving, we will too!" they all said as once, and the determination on their face's proved that I had no chance of changing their minds, Makarov must have been think it too because when I turned around and looked at him he was crying. 

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