Chapter 12 - The take down

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"All right pony's, lets come up with a plan." Twilight said. They had moved into Twilight's house after Rainbow Dash cleared her throat to stop the kiss. 

"I say we go and beat the snot out of Sombra!" Rainbow yelled. 

"And how in tar nation would we do that? We don't know where he is." Applejack said. Fluttershy spoke up. 

"I do. I was going to go there with the necklace but Twilight stopped me." Fluttershy said. Her tail was wrapped around Twilight's. Twilight looked down. 

"Sorry, I thought you were going to put it on again." Twilight said. Fluttershy giggled. 

"Never. But this way we can attack him with out him knowing." Fluttershy said. 

"That's a marvelous idea Fluttershy." Rarity said. Fluttershy nodded.

"I can give a signal also, like how I do with my animals." Fluttershy said and sung her my little pony theme. The five nodded and with the plan in motion, five ran into the forest, lead by Fluttershy who was holding the necklace in her mouth, while Rainbow Dash flew to Princess Celestia. Fluttershy then stopped by her hut. 

"OK girls, stay here until I give you the signal." Fluttershy said and walked in. 

"Sombra." Fluttershy said. Sombra, who was reading a scroll looked at her. He was in his disguise. 

"OH, Flutters your necklace came off." He said and walked over to her. She smiled at him. 

"It's OK Sombra. I still love it and you. I have news to report." She said. He smiled at that. 

"How did the weaklings take it?" Sombra asked, turning to his normal self. Fluttershy smiled. 

"Well." She said and began to sing. He looked confused. 

"What?" He asked but was hit with a blinding spell to the face by Twilight. He took a step back but fell because Applejack had him tied like a rodeo hog. Pinkie-Pie jumped on him, laughing as he tried to get free while blinded and Rarity stayed outside, waiting for Rainbow and the Princess. 

"You fools! I will destroy you all!" Sombra yelled as he casted a spell and broke free. Rainbow then flew in and hit Sombra in the chin. He looked at her and glared.

"You all will pay for what you have done." He said and started to cast a spell. Fluttershy cowered in fear but then stopped, seeing him about to hurt Twilight. 

"No!" She yelled and stood. He looked at her. 

"Don't you dare hurt my mare-friend. Who do you think you are mister? You may have been a king once and an evil stallion that took over and enslaved an entire empire but you do not hurt my friends!" She yelled getting in his face. His eyes were flatten but he then glared and opened his mouth.

"No! Unles your about to say sorry you do not talk! what would your mother think? What would anyone in your family think..." Fluttershy kept on yelling at him while the others were talking to the Princess. 

"Use the elements before he snaps out of Fluttershy's rant." Celestia said. The ponies nodded and walked around him, make a circle. Fluttershy's element floated on her and she stopped yelling at him, looked down. 

"Now!" Twilight yelled. Sombra's eyes widened.

"No...NO!!!!" He yelled as he stood on his hind legs before turning to stone.  

Changing Hearts (Fluttershy X Twilight) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now