Chapter 6 - Talking it out

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Twilight felt horrible about what happened. She left bits on the table and ran after Fluttershy but was stopped by Applejack, or rather the sight of Applejack holding a crying Fluttershy.

"There there sugar-cube." Applejack said as she patted her back. Twilight walked up to them. 

"Fluttershy?" She asked. Fluttershy buried herself deeper into Applejack. Applejack looked at Twilight. 

"What happened?" Applejack asked. Twilight's ears flatten again.

"She...She asked me was a misunderstanding thought." Twilight said. 

"How so?" Applejack asked. Twilight took a deep breath. 

"I didn't knew that's what she meant. I thought she meant as a friend. I love all my friends, but not that way. I know i hurt her, I didn't mean too and for that, I feel horrible. I understand if she doesn't want to be friends again, but Fluttershy." Twilight said and walked closer, putting her hoof nears hers. 

"I still want to be your friend and I don't care if you like mares. Your Fluttershy and your my friend." She said. Fluttershy looked at Twilight, tears still in her eyes, before turning back into Applejack. Twilight's heart dropped at seeing her cry. She stood. 

"I'll leave." Twilight said sadly and walked away. Applejack looked at Fluttershy. 

"Sugur-cube?" She asked. Fluttershy didn't move. Applejack sighed. 

"Fluttershy, you heard what Twilight said. What do you think?" Applejack asked. Fluttershy moved back and looked at her. 

"I...I don't know." Fluttershy cried. Applejack smiled. 

"Well I do. You forgave her the moment she walked up and started to talk. Even if she doesn't return your feelings, you two are close like caramel on an apple." She said. Fluttershy looked down, not saying anything. She knew Applejack was right. 

"What should I do Applejack?" She asked, looking at the farm pony. Applejack smiled and used her head to point at Twilight. 

"Go tell her." She said. Fluttershy stood and ran with out another word. Applejack was right. Even if Twilight rejected her feelings, Twilight was still Twilight.

"Twilahhhhhh!" Fluttershy screamed as she ran into something.          

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