liii. real life

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"tell me what's going on with jensen," gen says to willow as they take a seat on the couch. willow sighs.

"it's, well... he's being a dick. and it really pissed me off."

"what did he do?"

"so you know he surprised me with the trip to the ski lodge with jared and alex, yeah? well it was great, but i got a call on the last day saying i had to do my work in new york for a few weeks. i told him, and he started freaking out. he asked me 'what was the point of living in vancouver if i wouldn't be staying there for long ever?' he called me a bitch and just... that hurt, you know?" willow explains, and gen frowns.

"oh no. sweetie, i'm so sorry. that was a very stupid thing for him to say. i completely understand why you're upset. and out of all people, he should understand traveling for your job. that's really a dumb move." willow smiles slightly, leaning against her arm.

"so i don't know what to do. i guess we broke up? i'm not sure. but i'm super mad."

"as you should be!" gen says, rubbing willow's arm lightly. "what i say is give it time. you shouldn't be the one to tell him what he did was wrong. if he genuinely cares, he'll be the one to apologize to you." willow nods.

"thank you so much. you're right. for now though, i just want to get my mind off of jensen."

"sounds like a plan. i'm going out for soul cycle in a few, if you want to join?"

"thanks for the offer, but i'm kind of worn out. i'll stay here and watch the kids with jared."

"okay, awesome! thank you so much." gen squeezes willow's hand before exiting the room, leaving her by herself for a brief moment. willow shuts her eyes for a moment, attempting to clear her mind before she heard footsteps.

"hey, are you okay?" willow opens her eyes, seeing jared standing in the doorway. she nods.

"yeah, just tired, and well, you know. things." jared frowns, walking over to take a seat next to willow on the couch.

"jensen?" he asks. she nods.

"i love him. i'm upset, but i still love him. and i know we aren't breaking up. but i just can't look at him. i don't get how he can be upset about me leaving for work."

"i didn't talk to him about it when we filmed last week, uh, but he seemed out of it, if i'm being honest," jared admits. "but i'll admit, he was a jackass in this situation."

"yeah," willow murmurs, blinking back tears. "i'm sorry, i don't know why i feeling like crying, i just—"

"it's okay, no worries," jared says softly. "you don't have to hold it in, you know." willow nods, letting her tears fall freely.

"okay, i don't want to think about this anymore. can we watch a movie with the kids or something?"

"they're asleep, it's almost eleven," jared chuckles. "but we can watch a movie, if you want."

"yeah, okay, that sounds good," willow nods. "i'm going to grab food, if that's okay."

"of course. i'll choose something out." again, willow nods, and leaves the living room. she heads towards the kitchen. willow opens up the pantry, grabbing a bag of popcorn, putting it in the microwave. she also takes a bag of swedish fish, setting it on the counter as she waits for the popcorn to be done. willow suddenly feels overcome with emotion; she doesn't know why, but she feels her eyes start to well up, and soon enough, her tears leak, falling down her cheeks. willow takes a deep breathe before feeling something touch her leg. she's about to scream before she looks down, seeing thomas.

"hey, buddy, you scared me," willow says softly as he lets go.

"why are you crying?"

"don't worry about it. why aren't you in bed?" she asks, bending down to reach his height.

"couldn't sleep. where's mommy?"

"she's out right now, alright? why don't you go back to bed?"

"is daddy home?" he asks, looking around as if jared would somehow appear.

"he is, but it's past your bed time, so i'd get to bed before daddy finds you up," willow replies, winking. thomas nods quickly, start to walk quietly back upstairs. willow shakes her head, taking the popcorn out of the microwave. she forgot how hot it was. oh no.

"fuck!" willow exclaims, shaking her hand swiftly in the air to cool it off. she looks back up at the stairs. thomas was still making his way up. he turns to look at her.

"that was a potty word," he says.

"i won't tell on you if you don't tell on me," willow says.

"fine." he makes his way all the way back up, and willow sighs in relief. she dumps the popcorn carefully into a bowl, and the swedish fish in another. finally, she makes her way back out to the living room, setting the bowls on the coffee table.

"are you okay, i heard you shout?" jared asks, grabbing one of the pieces of candy.

"just burned myself. i'm good," willow replies, taking her seat back on the couch. "what's the movie selection?"

"singin' in the rain. i know it's your favorite."

willow smiles, shaking her head. "i love you, oh my god. i didn't know you knew that!"

"you watch that movie on repeat whenever you can," jared laughs, hitting play on the movie. "how would i not know?"

in my head | jensen ackles [1]Where stories live. Discover now