xlv. real life

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"you know, if you would have told me we were going skiing, i could have brought my own stuff," says willow, attempting to take off the belt from the snow pants jensen had lent her. for her birthday, her friends all surprised her with a trip to a ski resort.

"well then it wouldn't of been a surprise now, would it?" he replies, walking over to her to help her.

"why didn't you just bring her stuff? you have her key," jared comments, and jensen glares over at him.

"literally who asked you?"

willow giggles, moving for a moment to see if the pants were loosened enough to come off. "where's alex?" she asks. "he just disappeared."

"i can go check," jared says, and willow nods as he leaves.

"so how does it feel to be thirty-one, old woman?" jensen jokes, recieving an eye roll from willow.

"says you, forty year old."

"you're the one who willingly lets the old man fuck—"

"found alex," jared says loudly, interrupting the conversation about to start as him and alex enter the room they were in.

"where the hell were you?" willow asks alex.

"i was lost," he says sheepishly. "but let's not talk about that."

"wait, you got lost?" jensen asks, amused. "how did that happen when you were with all of us?"

"let's not talk about it!"

willow smiles, grabbing jensen's arm. "let's not bully alex. that happens too much on set already."

"thank you for taking my side," alex thanks willow. "it's nice to have support here once in a while."

"anytime. also, can i just say that i feel like misha should be here? you did ask him to come, right?" willow says to jared, who nods.

"yes, i'm not that mean. he wanted to see his kids and vicki."

"oh, got it," willow replies. "speaking of kids, jared, i want to see shep and tom soon. i miss them. and your daughter, who i haven't met, who i deserve to meet," willow starts rambling.

"you talk a lot," jared replies. willow widens her mouth.

"you're so mean!"

"i'm joking. i'm going back home in two weeks for a few days, if you want to come down."

"yes! oh my god, i'm so down," willow squeals, squeezing jensen's arm a bit too hard, causing him to wince. which was obviously faked. "oh, jeez, i'm sorry," she apologizes, rubbing it. "okay, i'm going to go to our room and change into something more comfortable, so i'll text the groupchat on plans for tonight." willow says goodbye to her friends before walking out of the lobby and up the stairs to her and jensen's room. once she closes the door, willow digs through her suitcase that was thankfully brought by her friends, looking to see if they actually put anything decent inside. thankfully, she found a white turtle neck and black jeans. once willow changes, the door opens and jensen walks in, tossing his bags on the floor in front of him.

"hey, you look cute," he comments, and willow smiles.

"thanks. you actually packed good clothes for me, i'm impressed," willow replies, taking a seat on the bed. "i didn't have high hopes, to be honest."

"you don't trust my taste in fashion?"

"i do with what you wear, but you still don't understand what i like to wear," says willow, as jensen walks towards her. "anyways, want to watch a movie or something? i'm not really in the mood to do anything right now."

"sure, anything good on?" he asks, getting on the bed next to willow.

"let's see," she mutters, flipping through the channels as jensen puts his arm around her. "i think... no, that was shit," she continues, and jensen chuckles quietly.

"do they have netflix?" he asks.

"baby, i doubt they'd have netflix here... we're not at home," willow laughs.

"i don't know," jensen grumbles. "i'm not very educated on these technology things, okay?"

"you're so cute," willow replies, looking back at him. "you're being serious?"

"yes. why the hell would i lie about that?"

"nevermind," she says, trying to suppress her laughter. "okay, nothing interesting is on. um... hey, i've been meaning to ask you something."


"um... i was wondering, well i kind of already did, but i might want to release it, uh... but would it be okay if i wrote a song about you? it's good, i promise. i'm not shitting on you, or anything, and it's not like... i don't know, but yeah," willow rambles.

"you're serious?" he asks. willow's face drops, taking that as a bad sign.

"i... um, yeah, i—"

"no, i didn't mean that in a bad way, it's just a little surprising to me," jensen swiftly says, realizing willow had thought he didn't appreciate it.

"oh. yeah, most of the stuff i write is about something or someone. normally they're not really nice though, but you know."

"sweetheart, why would i let you do that? i really appreciate it," says jensen, rubbing his hand over willow's, smiling at her.

"okay, cool," she says quietly. "i just have a little thing i was going to release, like four songs, and that was one, so i just wanted to make sure."

"you're too sweet, you know that, right?"

willow shrugs, giggling. "thank you?"

"it's really cold," willow mutters, clinging onto jensen for possible warmth, as they two of them, along with their friends, were sat outside waiting for their dinner. "which one of you assholes waited for the last minute to reserve a place so we got a table outside?"

"blame your boyfriend, not us," says misha, and willow looks at jensen with a glare. he shrugs. "i would so let go of you if i wasn't freezing my motherfu—"

"let's keep this civil, please," jared interrupts. "there are babies around, willow."

"i don't care. i'm cold," she grumbles.

about five minutes later, the waiter comes with their food. after he walks away, alex brings a topic to the table. "can i ask you something, willow? jared posted something for your birthday and he replied to someone about you being on the show?"

"that was jared messing with people, as usual," willow says, glancing over at her friend. "anything like that would be known by all of you. not just one person, and definitely not jared."

"now what's that supposed to mean?" jared asks.

"dude, you suck at keeping secrets," jensen says, and everyone else at the table besides jared nods their head. jared gasps.

"you guys are lying! i can keep a secret."

"you really can't," willow says. "i love you, but like i said, you're the last person i would trust to keep a secret." jared rolls his eyes, but the group of friends continue to enjoy their dinner for the rest of the night, only slightly freezing.

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