1-A Moves Into Dorms

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It would also be one hundred times harder to avoid a certain someone. She couldn't sleep the night before the move worrying about all the ways in which it would be mortifying to be around him almost 24/7.

"This way I can keep you on top of your homework!" Momo tapped her elbow against Mei's side, and the girl rolled her eyes in response.

"Yeah, this will be fun." Mei said sarcastically.


When night began to creep in, the students gathered for dinner in the cafeteria.

"How was move day guys?" Uraraka asked, bringing her tray to sit with Momo, Mei and Jirou. Asui and Mina came with her.

"Not bad, I like how my room is coming along." Jirou said, sipping her ramen bowl.

"Oh, we should go around and see each other's rooms after dinner!" Uraraka suggested.

"We should get the boys in on it, so we can see theirs as well." Mina snickered.

Mei was mindlessly eating her noodles, not paying attention to the conversation.

She snapped out of her thoughts when Uraraka said her name:

"You're in too, right, Shinomori?" 

"Huh? Yeah, sure, whatever." Mei had no idea what she was saying yes to.

Momo looked at her, concerned.

When the girls got up to put away their trays, she stayed back with Mei.

"Everything okay, Mei?"

"What? Yeah, of course." Mei waved her hand in a dismissive motion. "I'm fine Mo. You don't have to worry about me all the time. You'll go grey early."

Yaoyorozu shook her head and joined her friend as they walked back to the dorms.


The room tours took what felt like forever. Mei was not particularly interested in what anyone's room looked like.

When they got to Todoroki's room, she was not entirely surprised to see that his room looked exactly like his home. She did, however, have to look away to hide the obvious embarrassment on her face when she remembered what had happened last time she was there.

"You did all of this in one day?" Sero asked, dumbfounded.

"I worked hard." Todoroki shrugged.

Momo's room was stuffed to the brim with furniture and objects. She had tried to replicate her room at home, which was undoubtably unreasonable considering she lived in a mansion.

"Wow, you really went all out, huh?" Kaminari asked, making her blush.

"Okay, next one!" Ashido jumped around excited.

There wasn't much commotion for Mei's room, since it was simple and relatively plain.

She had put twinkly lights and hanged a moon and star on her ceiling; she wanted to take advantage of the skylight that her room had, hoping to create a mood of star-filled sky to match. She loved how small and insignificant it made her feel, like all the bad things she had done would not matter as much. It was a small delusion she allowed herself from time to time.

Her books were scattered everywhere already, and Mei noticed a small smile on Shoto's lips when he saw the pile on her floor. She remembered then what it was like to fall asleep to him reading to her.

"Alright everyone, next!" Ashido guided everyone out again.


After the tours, the 1-A students were sitting around on the common room couches, experiencing their first night living together.

Todoroki x OC - I'll Only Hurt YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ