Chapter 16 - Heartbreak

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A/n: If you don't agree with how my characters react to things, just keep your comments to yourself

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A/n: If you don't agree with how my characters react to things, just keep your comments to yourself. I'm tired of deleting rude comments. Don't be rude.

They could have heard a pin drop with the silence that spread and consumed the room

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They could have heard a pin drop with the silence that spread and consumed the room. Tom's heart was pounding as fast as it ever has while Elli just stood there, staring at him, seemingly emotionless. It's as if everything's just completely frozen in between them. Dead silence and cold tension. Wide eyes full of fear and faces draining of color as their breathing becomes shallow. And it takes what feels likes minutes for Elli to find her voice.

" what?" She asks and her tone alone could shatter the sturdiest glass.

"I, uh," Tom looks to the floor before looking back to her, scrunching his eyebrows with words of honesty. "I'm in love with you, Elli."

Elli knew she'd heard him right but she was praying she hadn't. Where was this confession three years ago when she told him? Where were his words then? Now, of all times, now is when he's going to decide he's in love with her. Elli is beyond flabbergasted and there is this part of her that's ready to blow her top but she doesn't. She remains calm but just shaking her head, not wanting to say anything she'll regret.

"You don't love me." She says and Tom's already opening his mouth but Elli's faster. "You're not. I almost died and it's just a honeymoon phase or whatever. A few weeks will go by and it'll be like it never happened. You're not in love me, you're just afraid I'm gonna die."

Tears. All Tom can feel are tears building behind his eyes. He isn't sure what he expected but it definitely wasn't this and it hurts. He's finally getting a glimpse at how Elli felt when he ignored her words. And it's knocked the breath right out of his lungs.

"That's...that's not it." Tom stutters, trying to push the lump in his throat down. "I've wanted--"

"Tom." Elli's eyes darken as her mouth is pulled into a hard line, warning him. "No."

"Would ya listen, please?" Tom pleads and his voice cracks with the last word making Elli close her eyes. Her blood is boiling but her heart is breaking for the person she calls her best friend. "I do love you, I really do."

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