Chapter 11 - How's This For Honesty

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The words just fell from Tom's mouth, catching not just Harrison but even himself off guard

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The words just fell from Tom's mouth, catching not just Harrison but even himself off guard. It's like the box itself got tired of listening to Harrison's pestering that it shook and shook and shook until it exploded and shed just enough light until Tom could reach it and hold it closed once more. And now the two are standing there, Tom's eyes moving to floor and Harrison's peering at him.

"Okay." Harrison says, taking a step back. "Tell her that."

"Can't." Tom says without hesitation.

Harrison can almost feel himself starting to vibrate with frustration and fury.

"You've come here to yell at me for asking her out because you're the one in love with her but you won't tell her? You've lost your fucking mind." Harrison rolls his eyes and takes a seat at one of the chairs.

"I told you," Tom runs a hand over his face, moving his other to his hip. "I don't fuckin' care you asked, it's that you lied."

"Whatever." Harrison mutters, tired of going in circles.

Arguably, he lied but Tom isn't innocent in lying. He's lying through his teeth and Harrison is just exhausted so he just accepts it and moves on. They've both lied and it's time to address the bigger question, the main reason Tom stormed to Harrison in a fit of protection over Elli.

"Why don't you tell her though? Pretty sure that's kind of the elephant in the room at this point." Harrison gestures a hand out.

Tom shakes his head, barely lifting his shoulders. "She deserves to be happy--"

"You know she's happy with you." Harrison cuts him off, voice filled with annoyance.

"Wasn't done." Tom says through a clenched jaw. "And better. She deserves better than me."

"Fuck's sake." Harrison groans, elbows on the counter as he puts his face in his hands for a few seconds. "Go on, share why you think you don't deserve her. Humor me."Sarcasm and frustration coat Harrison's words.

"It's not some joke, Haz." Tom snaps, eyes narrowing.

"Yeah, sounds like it. Who are you to dictate what or who she deserves and what or who she doesn't?"

Tom licks his lips, holding a straight face. "She deserves someone who doesn't ignore her when she tells them she loves them."

Harrison's eyes widen and his face falls, watching Tom switch his attention to the bottle of beer, opening it. Harrison questions if he even heard Tom right but of course he did because what else could he have heard? But, why would Tom ignored Elli if she told him she loved him? That can't be what Tom means. Maybe Harrison has just misunderstood.

"What?" Harrison asks, voice showcasing his confusion.

"She told me she loved me and I ignored her." Tom admits, taking a swig of the drink.

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