Dinner for Two

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Hello! I'm sorry that last one shot was so depressing but I had the idea to write it and felt like it needed to be done. It turned out much longer than I expected, so there's that. Anyway, here's a more upbeat one shot for your day. Hope you enjoy!

Newt's POV

"The table's set, and everything's where it should be. Shouldn't be too long before she arrives." Queenie announced as she rushed around the room, grabbing her things before striding over to the door. At the rate she was going, no one could have expected her to stop, but she did. I couldn't blame her. My mind was extremely busy at the moment, frantic as I considered what was about to take place in the near future. I heard Queenie turn around and felt her eyes staring at me before she spoke.

"Don't worry, she's going to love it." came her reassuring voice. I attempted a smile, but failed. No matter how hard I tried, I simply couldn't shake the thought of the evening going disastrously wrong. It did no good for me to worry, and normally I was able to refrain from such pessimistic thinking, yet that particular night was an exception. The stakes were high, and I was entering new territory. Coming to New York was one thing, but trying to demonstrate my affections for Ms. Tina Goldstein was quite another.

"Trust me. It's a tried-and true recipe, one of her favorites." Queenie added, noting my silence. There was a pause as she seemed to contemplate an action, shifting her weight from one side of her body to the other. "But of course, that's not what you're worried about." I lowered my head and sighed. Although I was reluctant to vocalize my concerns, I knew keeping them inside wouldn't do any good. "What if it's me she doesn't like?" I mumbled quietly, anxious to hear Queenie's response yet trying to hope for the best.

"Oh, Newt." Queenie breathed. She seemed surprised I would even worry about such a thing, as if it were common knowledge. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Of course I wanted to believe Tina cared for me in a manner similar to the way in which I care about her. But life doesn't always work out the way you want it to, this much I've learned. What should be simple often is not, and human-to-human relationships are, above anything else, quite complicated and very not simple.

I glanced up at Queenie to find her smiling sadly, her eyes full of emotion. Had she been reading my mind again? Even if she hadn't, it wasn't exactly difficult to pick up on my thoughts. Yet there was a glimmer in Queenie's eyes that seemed to suggest more. It was almost as if she wanted to tell me something but was refraining from doing so. Ultimately, she let out a quick breath before admitting, "Tina can be a bit hard to read sometimes. She cares about things deeply, it's just that she has a funny way of showing it."

Our eyes connected for a brief moment, nothing more, because reality set in and Queenie had to leave. "I'll see you later, Newt." She added simply, closing the door behind her with a soft click. I sighed. 'Tina won't be long' I reminded myself firmly, hoping she arrived soon. Otherwise I might be tempted to "chicken out". This sort of thing was never my strong suit anyway, but I wanted to show Tina my appreciation and, if I'm being honest, a glimpse of my affections as well. I just hoped it would be enough.

3rd POV

The day had been fairly normal, Tina decided as she made her way up the wooden staircase. Okay, so there had been a couple things that likely weren't considered average yet the day as a whole had been quite mundane for the most part. What did she expect? Her job continued to involve paperwork and menial tasks in the wand permit office despite all that had transpired in the last few days. Wanting to suggest her reinstatement as an auror to Madam Picquery yet unsure of where she stood with her, Tina felt conflicted. 'I wonder what Queenie's made for dinner' she inquired of herself mentally. Maybe the thought would serve as a distraction. It did for a moment, at least until Tina opened the door to their apartment.

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