Double Drabble

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Hello! To start this collection off with a bang, I wanted to introduce you to a short piece that includes both written work and a beautiful illustration of this power couple. None of it is mine, yet I cherish it as much as I would cherish one of my own creations. I strongly recommend you follow her on tumblr, where her username is hokorii. Again, this is not my own work but I thought you all would enjoy it so here you go!

"I'm a little bit lost without you."

In the early morning light, he finds her sitting up in bed, hair tousled, eyes half open in protest. A watery smile works its way onto his face as he lowers himself to the edge of the mattress and pulls her into him. She sighs contentedly, resting her chin on his shoulder and lets her eyelids slide shut.

“It won’t be that long,” he whispers, heart in his throat, lips brushing against her neck. He hates to leave her, but it’s only temporary, of that he’s certain. 

She wraps herself tighter around him and he memorizes the feeling, knowing it’s this moment that he’ll play on repeat while he’s away. 

“I love you…” she breaths out, and suddenly his mouth is filled with her name. 

“Tina…” he smiles, eyes glassing over as he sways them a little from side to side. 

“I know,” she sighs happily, “you love me too.” 

He answers by squeezing her tighter against him until she finds it difficult to breathe. 

“Newt!” she laughs out and he eases off, but before she can take much of a breath he pushes his lips against hers and she smiles. 

“Hurry back,” she breathes into him and he chuckles. 

Hurrying back to Tina Goldstein was something he’d never tire of. 

Newtina Drabbles and One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang