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It was the doctor

Doc: oh... sorry to interrupt

Katherine: no, it's okay( the doctor is kinda cute, but I guess I already have a bf)

Doc: (shit she's hot) uhhh, my name is ca- carlos mena, what's your name mami

Alex: dude stfu she is mine

Carlos: but I heard you outside saying that you cheated on-

Diego: on his math test.... right ALEX?

Alex: uhh... yea ", my math test

Katherine: okkkkkk

Diego: *text alex*

Diego: it's to risky

Alex: just follow my lead when I tell you

Diego: whatever

Hailey: Alex, diego you alright

Alex/Diego: yep

Carlos: um anyways Katherine your free to go

Katherine: ok thank you

Carlos: before you leave can I get your number

Katherine: yea totally it's,

Carlos: ok text you later

Katherine: kk bye

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