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9 months after breakup

It's ironic, I could have had a child in this time. (Not physically but you get the point). Yet every time I think of kids I'm reminded how much Jinyoung and I planned to adopt and how great he was with kids.

God, Jinyoung haunts me in every direction. I've stopped crying over him but the pain really hasn't left, some day I space out just reminiscing that all my dates were scared off. Guess I have a resting bitch face or something.

I ran a hand through my overgrown bangs and tapped my pen against my work papers. "Yugyeom, you're my greatest worker, why are you spacing out so much?" I look up and sheepishly grin at my young childhood friend and now boss, Jaebum.

"Sorry Hyung, just reminiscing. I'll get back to work now." He nodded, ruffled my hair and moved back towards his office.

I continued to click my Pena few times before going over the consent papers and writing in every blank space. This process continued for three hours until my shift was finally over.

As I pulled the chair out and stood up, my phone began to buzz in my right pocket. Quickly fishing it out from the black slacks I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Oh holy shit you picked up!" I raised my eyebrows and rested my head against my right shoulder as I picked up my coat and keys before heading towards my work elevator. "Bam? Yeah sorry 'bout that, it's been a rough time lately."

I heard another voice in the background followed by BamBams giggle. "Yeah, I'm just happy you picked up! So, I have some tea." I rolled my eyes at my Thai friends word choices as I walked towards my car and unlocked it.

"So I was in Japan right? And this Chinese guy came up to me and asked where everything was. Story short, I had no clue but pretended to try and show him the way because damn he was hot." I heard the familiar sound of a slap echo and Bam snicker pence before continuing.

"We ended up bonding and spent my whole trip together. Long story short, His name is Jackson and he's my boyfriend now! Gyeommie I have an actual boyfriend!"


Jinyoung used to call me that.

I shook the though aside and set my phone in a cup holder putting it in speaker. "Wow Bam I'm surprised. Is he treating you well? Do I need to scare him?" BamBam just laughed and snorted.

"God no he's treating me just fine! But I wanted to know if we caught up over a double date! Do you think Jinyoung would pause his busy schedule for you guys to come and hang with us?"

It hit me like a tsunami, most people didn't know. One of my closest friends didn't know. Calming my shaking hands I pulled up onto the highway and cleared my throat awkwardly.

"J-Jinyoung and I broke up nine months ago, he's happy with someone else now."

"Oh fuck, Yugyeom I'm so sorry. Jesus Christ. Fuck it I'll bring Jackson over, we'll drop by tomorrow. I love you, and I hear the highway so I assume I'm on speaker. So focus and call me when you get home safely!"

I responded bye and ended the call, leaning back into my car seat and closing my eyes briefly.

Just when things were getting better.

Something About The Rain -Jingyeom COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now