Bye bye Garrison.

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HIYAAA! This authors note is coming in as I'm editing the story from top to bottom! thank you to all the new readers this story had gained so far, it would be great to here what some of the new readers, or old, think about the story so far and where you might want it to go!

This chapter is changing significantly from the old version as I want to keep some parts of the plot till a while later so from here out the story will be slightly different.

vote, comment and enjoy!

I had only been to one funeral before and that was my grandmothers and this funeral was different. Maybe because it was a young life that was lost, maybe because of the crying boy yearning for his dad or just the darkness of the grim day. I stood next to Tommy my arm linked with his as I found it difficult to comfort anyone, it was as if a stranger had died even though I apparently knew him very well.

Tommy gave a speech and we began to walk back to our cars.

"Are you cold Tess?" Tommy asked seeing my breath bloom in the air in front of us.

"A bit." I whispered not wanting to ruin the silence.

Within moment he had taken off his large coat and placed it over my shoulders, I smiled lightly to myself.

"Ada won't come home." He whispered in my ear.

"Give her time Tommy, she needs to grieve. She has friends in London and Karl, so she won't be on her own."

I hadn't had time to really meet Ada as she had lived away with her husband, but when she had seen me arrive at the graveyard she threw herself into my arm and held my face. Tommy had to pull her back and explain what my situation was.

"Can't I just hug you?" she had asked with tears in her eyes.

I smiled back at her lightly. "My memories are returning, of course you can."

I was pulled from my thought by Tommy's voice. "It's not just that Tess." He said looking off into the distance, he was worried about something.

"What is going on?" I whispered.

Just before Tommy could answer John came running up to us.

"Tom, it's the Garrison, it's been blown up."

We stood in silence for a few moments before Tommy grasped me around my waist.

"We are going. Now."

We drove back to Birmingham and were back to Small Heath within 3 hours

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We drove back to Birmingham and were back to Small Heath within 3 hours. And when we arrived back, we knew the rumour was true. The Garrison was gutted, soot and brick filled the spaces where the windows should have been, and smoke still billowed from inside as the police lined the street.

"Stay here Tessa please." Tommy was angry, I could feel it radiating off him.

I did as I was told, and stood to watch as Polly and Tom went to talk to the police standing nearby. It was only when I saw Tommy slip a policeman some money that I knew this was serious, this wasn't an accident.

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