1989, Madison Square Garden, NYC

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   The clock struck nine and the whole Madison Square Garden was filled with a screaming crowd of men and women.  The whole stadium was like electric and up on stage was the famous British band, Queen.   Freddie Mercury was wearing a yellow coat, white tank top, white and red stripped pants, and white shoes.  Brian May was on lead Guitar.  Roger Taylor as the Drummer, and finally John Deacon as bass guitarist.  

  They decided to start out with the song everyone can be apart of.  The stomp stomp clap!  Freddie began the stomp stomp clap with everyone to follow, his band members had done the same.  Soon, Freddie began to sing a song that was written by Brian...

FREDDIE MERCURY: "Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise.  Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday!  You got mud on your face, you big disgrace!  Kicking your can all over the place, singin' WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU!...WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU!"

   The whole stadium began to follow with the three step beat.  Freddie continued as his band mates kept the stomping beat as they strummed their guitars and such.

FREDDIE MERCURY: "Buddy, you're a young man, hard man.  Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday!  You got blood on your face, you big disgrace!  Waving your banner all over the place... singin' WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU...SING IT!...WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU...YEAH!"

   The guitars strummed louder and the beat went on.  

FREDDIE MERCURY: "Buddy, you're an old man, poor man.  Pleading with your eyes, gonna get you some peace someday!  You got mud on your face, big disgrace!  Somebody better put you back into your place, do it!...singin' WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU!  YEAH YEAH COME ON!  WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU!  ALRIGHT, LOUDER!  WE WILL, WE WILL R___________________!"

  There was a loud crash and blast of wind that knocked over the mic, it screech and everyone screams frightened.  The curtains dropped accidentally and everything started from awesome, to going bad.  The wind blew more and more and people were terrified running out for their lives.  Meanwhile John Deacon was blasted back off the side of the stage.  

BRIAN MAY: "The hell is going on?!"

  Although Freddie couldn't hear him.  He tried to hurry off stage but he found himself glued to the ground.  He tried forcefully to walk but he didn't move an inch.  He looks up to Roger, his friend trying to grab hold of him but the wind became too strong.

ROGER TAYLOR: "I can't get to you!  This f**kin' wind is too strong!"

  Freddie once again couldn't hear and he saw Roger actually get blown off stage along with Brian.  Suddenly, when Freddie Mercury looks back around, he saw the swirling, dark, electric wormhole approach him.  He cursed, he wanted to run, but the forces were holding him down.  The wind blew everything away from him, even his band mates.  

  The wormhole approached closer and closer as Freddie yells warning.


  The electric and dark black wormhole swallowed him up and then imploded.  The winds stop abruptly once before and the rest of the Queen band members were finally able to pull themselves off the ground.  Brian scratched his head noticing Freddie was gone.

BRIAN MAY: "The hell was that Roger?"

ROGER TAYLOR: "How am I suppose' t'know!?"

JOHN DEACON: "It was a black swirly thing that gobbled him up."

BRIAN MAY: "Which is?"

JOHN DEACON: "A black swirly thing that gobbled him up."

  Brian May face palms.  

ROGER TAYLOR: "Where you ya think we went?"

JOHN DEACON: "Maybe he time traveled."

BRIAN MAY: "Stop making up BS Deacon.  Try to talk with a little more "sense" eh?"

JOHN DEACON: "Oi!  It's not my fault Freddie's gone."

ROGER TAYLOR: "He's right, what ever that thing was, it wasn't from this world."

  The scene changes as we now see the king of Queen fly through space and time.  He flew past stars and planets at an incredible rate.  Freddie Mercury then swerved left and right and all around, he cursed loudly screaming.  He feared for his life in that moment.  

  Soon, he opened his eyes and he saw an opening out of the portal, he screamed covering his face and eyes.  Then he tumbled out and onto the ground with a thud.  He flopped onto his back gasping for air.  He notice that he had lost his bright yellow jacket, however, when his vision became clear.  He sat up dazed.  

  And before his very eyes, were three historical and famous singers.  His eyes widened with fear, he stood up silently with his jaw dropped.  It was Michael Jackson, John Lennon, and Elvis Presley.  Freddie muttered.

FREDDIE MERCURY: "Wh-wha? Why? Hoooow?"

MICHAEL JACKSON: "Calm mustache guy, we don't want any panic attack here."

FREDDIE MERCURY: "You!?  AND YOU?!  And me?  I cahn't even speak this is..."

JOHN LENNON putting up a finger: "Don't you even think about fainting."


ELVIS PRESLEY: "Say uh...you're partially from the future righ'?"

FREDDIE MERCURY: "Maybe?  Aren't we all in the future?"

MICHAEL JACKSON: "That's what were tryin' to find out!"

   All four of the famous singers stood up facing eachother.  It was strange, there was a connection of some kind, but also a very envious jealousy between the four of them.  Like they wanted to be better.  Each and every one of them felt like they were meant to be the best.  And just like so, they began to fight seeing who was better then the other.

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