1988, Chicago Illinois

77 8 1

  A pop like tune went down down down up down as we see  Michael Jackson walk on stage.  He is wearing a white suit, white pants, blue collared under shirt, white tie, and a white tipped hat.  Everyone knew right from the beginning that this song was Smooth Criminal.

   Michael Jackson walked up to the stage spinning around as he took the mic and sang hastily...

MICHAEL JACKSON: "As he came into the window.  It was the sound of a crescendo.  He came into her apartment.  He left the bloodstains on the carpet!  She ran underneath the table.  He could see she was unable. So she ran into the bedroom.  She was struck down, it was her doom... OW!"

  He spins around then moonwalks backwards tipping his white hat.  His suit flew round and round as he spins around again, turning his head one way swiftly, then the other way...

MICHAEL JACKSON: "Annie, are you okay?  Are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?  Annie are you okay? Are you okay?  Are you okay, Annie?"

  He shouts and spins around again along with the other dancers.  He grabs the mic again and sang...

MICHAEL JACKSON: "So they came into the outway.  It was Sunday - what a black day.  Mouth to mouth.  Resuscitation.  Sounding heartbeats - intimidation... OW! Annie are you okay? Are you okay?Are you okay, Annie? Annie are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?  Annie are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?"

   The crowd clapped to the tune in unison as  Michael danced  his routine as usual.  Doing the hip lift, spin, and moonwalk tipping his hat.  The back up dancers copied Michael and soon they were all dancing the same way together.  It was like electric and everyone in the crowd loved it.  

Of course...as everything was getting riled up and good, there was a huge gust of wind that knocked over Michael Jackson's Mic.  A loud screech came across the whole place and everyone shouted covering their ears.  The whole show halted and Michael stood there frightened.

  Then the lights went out and everyone screamed as the winds grew stronger.  The wind had been so strong, that it blew Michael's hat off from his head.  All of the backup dancers soon were being pushed by the horrific winds that came out of nowhere.  

MICHAEL JACKSON: "Uh, Everyone be calm?"

  But no, the winds grew stronger inside of the concert and everyone ran out scared.  Michael hadn't moved an inch, it was like he was glued to the ground.  The whole concert became dark, and all of Michael Jackson's backup singers were actually blown off stage.  

MICHAEL JACKSON: "What the hell is going on?!"


  Michael's hair blew in the wind although he was stuck in one place lost in his thoughts.  He tried to run or move but he couldn't.  Other people and stage managers tried to get on stage to pull Michael off but, the wind was just too strong...



  The Studio managers looks one way seeing the microphone hurdle towards him.  It slams him right in the face.  The studio manager gets knocked out, blown off stage.  The Stage Manager along with lots of other studio crew members.  

Michael Jackson looks another way when suddenly he sees a giant black wormhole swirling right in front of him.  His eyes widen with fear, he tried to run but he couldn't.


   The wind grew stronger and stronger as the wormhole got closer and closer to Michael Jackson.  He covered his face as the wormhole ate him up...then it imploded. 

 All of the wind stop abruptly and the stage manager hurried over to the studio manager.

STAGE MANAGER: "Miles? Miles can ya hear me?"


STAGE MANAGER: "Thank heavens your alright!"

STUDIO MANAGER sitting up: "What just happened boss?"

STAGE MANAGER: "Somethin' happened, somethin' very very bad."


STAGE MANAGER: "Somewhere...someone took him.  A wormhole of some kind."

STUDIO MANAGER: "That was scary boss!"

STAGE MANAGER: "We've got a whole lot more to worry about."

STUDIO MANAGER: "Whadoya mean?"

STAGE MANAGER: "With MJ gone, he's gone missing! Worldwide!"

STUDIO MANAGER: "Ohhhh, I get it, yeah, I got you boss!"

STAGE MANAGER: "Get cleanin' up Miles, you look like a train wreck."

STUDIO MANAGER nodding: "Y-Yes sir..."

  Meanwhile, Michael found himself flying round and round in this weird space and time continuum.  He zipped past stars and planets and was frightened beyond anyone else.  He thought he was gonna die, or perhaps he was just high.  But no, a light shined ahead and Michael covered his face screaming.

  He bursts out of the portal tumbling onto his back groaning.   He coughed lifting his hand up to his head as his vision became blurry.  

  Two people looked over him and Michael could see perfectly again.  He sits up shouting in fear.

MICHAEL JACKSON: "DAHHH!  Wh-wh-who are?  What the__?"

  He could see Elvis Presley and John Lennon as they took a step back alarmed by Michael's reaction.  Michael swallowed nervously wondering where he was.

MICHAEL JACKSON: "No, no, no, no, NO!  I've gotta be having a nightmare right now..."

  He slapped his face one way, then another, but they were still there.  They were also...laughing?   They must've been amused by MJ's reaction.  

ELVIS PRESLEY: "Look there, another one's comin'!"

Michael looked over swiftly as another one of those portals opened up.  He backed away as so did the other two somewhat famous singers.  Then, to his surprise, another famous singer tumbled out of the portal, someone from 1989.  Only one year into the future for Michael, but many years for John and Elvis...

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