I Can't ......We..... Can't Part_2

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I wrote this a/n like years ago, but I'm not in a mood to delete it.....let alone I need to move my lazy ass all over the place becoz of guests.....I'm that introvert that is also an ambivert....hehehehe!!


I'm bored. Help me lords!! I'm so dead I can't tell you guys. Well enjoy the part and forgive me for my mistakes.


Setting: Shibuya High, hospital wing.

Guren had been in the hospital wing for about half an hour. Mostly waiting because there were a lot of students, most probably due to the changing weather. A blonde guy sitting in front of him, wasn't helping his already boiling anger, would keep chatting with a red haired girl who apparently was not at all interested in talking to him. The other two girls sitting near them, a brown haired and a black haired one, were sitting silently and smiling occasionally. The blonde's talks eventually led him to be kicked by the red haired in the stomach, resulting in him flying and landing right in front of guren. Guren had an expression which looked like 1/4 irritation and 3/4 oh-who-cares. Soon the blonde got up acting as if he was really hurt and then proceeded to pester the girl, before stopping near guren. He eyed him for a moment, with his golden eyes and then said," so, you're supposedly the new genius guy, isn't it?" Guren could barely manage a nod as he was too busy taking in the fact fact that someone had actually acknowledged him. The guy's pupils dialated for a moment before turning into a genuine, smiling ones. He said," nice to meet you, by the way, I'm goshi, Norito Goshi. And you're?""Guren Ichinose. Nice to meet you too." Guren managed a smile. Meanwhile the girls had reached the two guys and the red-haired was beginning to get irritated when Goshi started," these are my friends, Mito Sanguu, Hanayuri Sayuri and Yukimi Shigure." He said pointing at the girls. "Umm! Hello, nice to meet you all." Said guren shyly. Hey! No I'm not shy, you fucking idiot, he thought mentally. The red-haired girl, Mito, was the first one to speak, "hey! Nice to meet you dude. So you're guren. Good. Would you like being friends with us?" She said with an air of superiority and confidence. "Um! Sure." Guren said. Even though he wasn't quite sure about makings friends with those blokes, still, he found himself light headed in their company. Soon he was found laughing his heart out at goshi's dumb jokes while getting himself a first aid.

Setting: Shibuya High, senior school building.

He wouldn't let go of him. He tried his best but his counterpart was much much stronger than him. The pale, white haired boy called Shinya, was trying his best to move away from the older male, but he wouldn't let go. He was shouting helplessly but there was no one who could respond. He was frantic, pulling away, pushing the man, shouting until a hand collided with his face and he went quiet instantly. The stronger male in front of him spoke in a dangerous voice,

"How many times do I have to tell you that you don't talk to anyone without my permission? Did you forget your punishment? Did you forget that you belong to me, Shinya?"


"SHINYA!!" he shouted. Shinya, as if stirred awake from his dream, tried to speak.

" I'm sorry, I wouldn't do that again. Please don't punish me." He begged. The world was swirling around him, his eyesight was blurring and all he could see was sunspots dancing around the place. He wanted to get away from that monster, he wanted to run, but the male wouldn't let him go.

This dark haired male was the head of the students council of the school, and also a really, almost pathetically arrogant man. He was, Hiiragi Kureto. A finely built young man, with a stern lip, strong biceps and straight view about things concerning him. Shinya was evidently one of them. He wanted full control of everything, and didn't pay well to those who defied him, which he thought Shinya had. So, in his opinion, he deserved harsh punishment.

He pushed Shinya, very hard, to the nearest wall and pinned him right there, hurting his head in the process. Shinya was almost on the verge of tears when he felt an arm snaking his torso. He couldn't breathe properly, he was suffocating. He pulled Shinya towards him and........


A/ n

Again a short one but yeah I'm about to give this an angsty ending.... Yup!!! The angst prince for the sake of God!!!

Well, I'm out for the while. Sorry! But I'm quite tired with my migraine saying hiiii!!! So I'll have to deal with it.... 

I'm out,


Well I guess I found a name for you all, COMRADES, is it good?! I'd love to hear from you all.



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