Chapter 2 - Gate of Old

Start from the beginning

And yet even with the clear disparity between them, the knight keep on advancing, unfazed, its destination are clear and nothing else mattered.

Just as the knight took a few steps towards the gate, the twin giant sprung into life, their weapon blocked the gate, denying entry to the city, their gigantic body towered above the miniscule knight, and their head turned towards it, observing the person who's trying to gain entry.

"Halt!!" Their voice boomed in unison, brimming with authority "Who art thee and what thou seek within the venerable city of gods?"

The question were directed to the knight before them

The knight in question simply looks up, what kind of face its making are unknown thanks to the full faced helmet it wore but one could guess the knight are thinking.

Not long after did the knight gave an answer

"I wish to take the path of kings"

The voice that came from beneath the helmet were muffled, almost mechanical, and devoid of emotion. Its rather hard to determine the gender of the knight just from its voice, but there is a certain.... charm in its voice, and its also somewhat pleasant to the ear.

"By what right do ye wished to undertake the sacred path?" The question came from Menos, the one holding the bardiche

The knight were silent, its head turned downwards as if it had no answer for that question.

"By my honor, i will take the path"

The knight finally answered, still lacking any emotion

"Honor? Of what does thee speak of?" The question filled with doubt came from Halos, the one holding the massive flamberge "Thou held the crest of our great city and wore the armor of the sacred knight yet we knew those does not belong to ye"

"A thief, a scavanger, like a vulture who swoop down onto desolate battlefield to claim rotted flesh. An honorless warrior dares to trod the path of king? Have the world gone mad"

The knight have no say in its defense, all the words that came out of them are truth, each and every last one. Yet the knight won't back down.

"I will pass this gate, one way or another" the knight said as it drew the silver sword

"Hmmm, it seems the little thief have some bravery" Menos mused as he observed the small knight

"Very well, then i shall be thy judge" Halos declared as it lifted the massive sword and slung it over his shoulder

The giant Halos took a step forward but its a heavy and giant step that's powerful enough to shook the very earth, the aura he emanates were enormous and bone chilling. The knight's world felt washed away by its deadly aura alone, its feet trembled at the sight of the giant warrior comning at it.

The thought of running away came into mind but the knight brushed it off, the resolve it have were absolute, no turning back.

Without any warning the giant white blade came down at great speed, the knight abruptly rolled to its left but the force of that giant blade and Halos's strength were no joke indeed. The moment it crashed down, with a loud booming noise, a massive shockwave exploded, blowing the knight a good distance away, it rolled a few feet before coming to a halt, dust and dirt came down along with raindrops following the wake of that powerful attack

The knight knew that if that blow connected it will be the end for the knight's brief flame of life.

There is no plausible way the knight can win this fight, not in every sense of reason the world have. And yet, the knight stood, its sword and shield raised in fighting stance.

Halos slowly raised the flamberge again, he took his sweet time but even so he's not underestimating his opponent, the last time they did – it resulted with their lord losing his life. Not again, not anymore, they will not do the same mistake again.

The knight were storming inside its brain, trying to figure out a plan, something that could result in its victory.

The sword came down and the knight again, its not the same explosive attack like the last time but the sword still cuts deep into the earth.

Then again, with great speed, the flamberge swooped down, a sweeping attack. Its very hard to evade given the size and length of that blade. With a split second decision the knight lifted its shield against the incoming attack, whether or not it can save the knight's life are uncertain and its about the find out.

The blow connected and it sends the knight flying into the nearby building, loud crashing noises came afterwards. The winds from the blade itself slashed several buildings in its wake, Halos must've intended to end the fight quickly.

The giant promptly planted the flamberge to the ground and placing his hand above its hilt

"Its over"

"I'm afraid not yet, brother" Menos who's been observing the small clash raised his hand towards the building where the knight crashed

Smoke of dust and dirt were flying around even in the rain, and suddenly a silhouette of a person appears and slowly emerged. The knight are still standing, perhaps it is by sheer luck it had survived, the armor it wore proved to the highest quality as it took most of the damage, the shield it held however was different story, the sturdy metal are crumpled like papers or more like slashed in two, its hard to describe the state of the thing, with it being hardly of use anymore the knight threw it away.

And again it advanced fearlessly, small blood drop are coming out of the small space of the armor, but it paid no heed, its body are throbbing with pain and still it didn't care.

"So, the little one still have the strength to continue. I applaud thee"

"Indeed" Menos nodded "To withstand such attack required great strength surpassing those of mortal body, or a great number of luck"

"Perhaps this honorless knight are favored by lady luck" Halos turned to his brother

"Well then" Menos who's been showing no sign of hostility finally lets out a small amout of killing aura "We will see if thy luck are no mere coincidence"

With that the giant lifted the giant bardiche and held it with two hand

The knight soon realized what it means

The Twin Gatekeeper will now face it with their full strength

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