Chapter 2 - Gate of Old

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The rain are not letting up, its getting heavier instead, looks like a storm are approaching, whether its good or bad remains to be seen.

The knight casually strides upon the rooftop, but still minding its step as the roof can be quite treacherous when soaked by rain, slipping and falling to the ground can be problematic in this situation, the knight are lucky if it dies immediately but the prospect of being eaten alive by zombie after falling are disturbing. Speaking of which the shambling horde hadn't followed the knight, perhaps they still thought – if they had mind to begin with – that the knight are still inside that building.

The knight wished that it can just use the roof to reach the gate, unfortunately it can't. A building had collapsed just in front of it, denying the means of continuing on this path, the knight considered of jumping across but the other side looked like it could collapse at any given time, falling from that distance are quite painful. The only way is down, the street looks clear but one can only guess what kind of undead or other kind of creature lurking just around the corner, waiting for unwary prey. The knight wished to save its strength until the fight against the gatekeeper, but seeing there's no other options, the knight decided to climb down the ruined building.

Emerging from the creaking door the knight took note of its surrounding, looks like the undeads have not picked up its scent yet thanks to the rain. The gate are not so far away, just a several minutes of walks, the weather are getting ominous, thunder started exploding overhead, lightning flashing in the clouds. A sploshing sound came from the knight heavy boots as it walks towards the dark blue gate, the cold air and wet sensation are filling the knight's body and yet it paid no heed, the knight keeps walking, its destination are clear and no other things matters.

The ominous broken gate now stands before the knight, the dark weather, and thunder crackling upon it are giving the blue gate a terrible aura. Beside it stands two giant warrior, fifteen meter in tall, both are the size of the average building around, both cladded in full plated armor of pure ivory white with golden trims and intricate carvings, untouched by the trials of time, each held a massive weapon on one hand, one held a large white and gold bardiche on left hand and the other held a similar looking white and gold gigantic flamberge on the right hand.

The these two are known as Menos and Halos
The Twin Gatekeeper of Vax Magna

They are originally a giants from the tribal giant tribe in the north, a frost giant in the specific term. Although considered small among their brethren (a normal frost giant can reach about twenty to thirty meters in tall) Menos and Halos make it up in term of pure warrior strength and skills. These two have been the gatekeeper ever since the city was first built, and they shall be so until they were relieved of their duty, their vigil unbroken, their stalwart defense unbroken, that the twin gatekeeper still defended the city even after it had fallen hundreds of years ago. Only once they had failed their duty when the invaders defeated them and destroyed the gate during the great war many years ago, and they are not planning to fail again, no matter what.

But the question is, can the knight defeats the two gatekeeper? The answer are clear as sunny day—
—It can't

No matter how one would look a simple armored knight are no match against a gigantic warrior of renowned strength, powerful enough to be chosen as the gate guardian of the city of gods, not to mention the natural difference between a giant and a human. The knight are but a simple warrior, it boast no powerful talent, trump card, amazing magic, or anything of note, no— the knight are just a warrior with skills that came from years of practice, anyone who had the diligence and patience can reach the same level as the knight given time, this one are no particularly special, just a knight you could find anywhere in service of many nations.

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