Chapter 5: News and Alliance

Start from the beginning

The old man almost scowled and gave him a meaningful look. "I thought you can read minds, young lord."

"I. Lied." Each word has an emphasis, and Lysander could feel his starting to have a horrible headache. "I believe you are the one who can read minds since you knew I came from Pheonicious. That was indeed odd for two persons only had met."

There was silenced.

In that brief moment, Lysander already formed a strategy on how he will strike on the old man since he got surely at a disadvantage corner, mainly because of the huge old man's body like the sturdy borders of Spartus. So he decided to execute a quick move directly aim to his throat, cut his air pipe to serve him a quick death. And if someone questioned him about the murder, he will simply say, he robe me.

But if the beggar was truly a master from Pheonicious, his act will be the death of him.

"Your uniquely leather booths made by the finest skin of tamaraw and the strange designs on your cloth, one of many trademarks of Pheonicious handcrafts. Secondly, your gold plated belt with the raging bull racing his two front feet as if it was attacking someone. I supposed you are one of the champions in the Arena if they haven't change any rules. And lastly, your sun-baked skin that explains everything. Phoenicious has the driest land among all kingdoms. And people out there love to take bath under the heat of the blazing sun."

Another silenced. When Lysander didn't speak the old man continued.

"I came here to meet a dear friend if you are too intrigued to know and of course to personally witness the huge changed in this kingdom. Ever since the prince had declared the open trade to its neighboring countries, the population rises like flowing rivers, colors began to scatter. Yet crime arises as well from here to there. Sad to say, I was one of many unfortunate travelers who encounter several gorgeous thieves along the way. I thought I was in paradise when they welcomed me with wines, mouthwatering delicacies, and of course sweet kisses all over my body but that paradise was short-lived, the next morning I woke up in shameful hell without anything except for my cat and dirty cloth to cover my intimate in the middle of streets." The old man awkwardly laughed to himself. His eyes almost get teary with lingering gloomy shadows of regrets. Yet Lysander only gave him a dirty look.

Though the circumstances were legit, Lysander was convinced and can prove, thieves in this kingdom were notorious and famous with deceiving figures that any average man cannot hardly resist, the majority are perverts no doubt.

Several of his men have been victimized as well when he was still the captain of the guards in the barely young age of eighteen. However, his men were no longer his loyal subject anymore but the loyal guards under the supervision of his father. Florence Leon Braveheart

"Wait, the Prince himself opened the trade?"

The old man nodded. "Yes. He is the heir of the throne so its common sense to take over the kingdom while the king is currently bedridden."

Lysander's eyes widened. He never heard such news, but he had witnessed the market place today and he could personally say it got the change the old man was talking about. "That was a huge scandal, old man."

The beggar nodded again. "The king has been involved in a terrible accident at the mines inside the heart of the dark forest. I've heard it was a big accident with lots of casualties but the royal palace kept denying the incident, they said the king never leave his palace, then a month after the prince declared the open trade that quite suspicious."

Questions and speculations filled Lysanders already aching head. If these news were true the kingdom will be endangered to any conquerer country, and opening the trade will be a good maneuver to lessen the suspicion and a good way to demonstrate the king healthy condition. But then a playful smiled crossed the beggar face, witnessing Lysanders confused reaction.

"Information is vital in any transactions, especially in all scale of any country in this heavenly land of Uria. Any bit of details has an equivalent cost, young lord. But what I'd give you cost a fortune."

The two exchanged looks to each other but the approaching figure in the corner of Lysanders' eyes had caught his attention. "For a former master at Pheonicious to a beggar with lots of knowledge inside a foreign kingdom. That was a dangerous life to live, old man."

"For a man in a shameful state in a foreign land, anyone could give everything for any spare resources, especially a suffice dinner and a nice warm bath."

Lysander scanned the old man for a brief moment and for the third time he finally trusts the small voice inside his head. I can use him. "Accept this as my initial payment for a while, and let discuss the rest later."

The old man eyes brighten like a child after he caught the cloth of Lysander. It was like he received something precious than mere cloth. But then all of a sudden his eyes turned sharp, his facial features changed in a heart bit that gave chills on Lysanders spine. Suddenly he had thought. He doesn't want to be in the receiving end of that eyes.

"I smell that bad?"

Lysander's eyebrow rose. "You have no idea."

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