Chapter 3: The Guardian

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For the light to shine brightly, darkness must be present.

~Francis Bacon

"You are... Shining."

That was the first thing Awen blurted out when she opened her eyes again, she kept staring at the old woman beautifully smiling towards her whom she had thought she knew very well.

The old woman was standing confidently in her seven feet height five inches higher than Anastacia. Her hair that Awen thought was white like hers was shining like the Gold star in the east and her face was beautiful even though her eyes and skin were sunken. Awen knew she was strikingly beautiful in her younger years watching her beauty in this light.

Even her untouchable calm demeanor made her stand out from the rest of the people Awen had encountered.

"Light shines the brightest in the heart of darkness, Awen." The old woman looked straight at Awen. She always spoke in puzzling riddles but at this moment. It did make sense for Awen.

"You've never changed from the first day I saw you behind the gates of the shrine, you love wearing dirty clothes that almost looked like rags. Yes?"

By the mention of the shrine. The wind howled as if the evil lurking in the air read Awen's thoughts. Faint voices from afar started to laugh and whisper.

Awen bolted up and grabbed the old woman's hand in fear, the anxiety spread again with her drumming heart. Her jumble words have been stopped only when the old lady grabbed her shoulders with so much gentleness.

"Courage Awen, courage. Fear only weakens your mind and would try to sabotage your strong heart. There is much more horror in the living than the demons who can only whisper lies."

The uncompromising calmness in her eyes made Awen's trembling heart set at unexplainable peace even though her mind still remembers the terror she went through with Anastacia.

And remembering Anastacia, she immediately looked around for the chestnut beauty. Only to find the taller girl sitting not far from her with some bandages on her hand.

"I am sorry I was not able---" Awen tightly hugged Anastacia she was so grateful to see again this girl, but after a few moments, she searched the chestnut beauty's face, especially her eyes. Though Anastacia had this shadow of grim and horror obvious on her face Awen was thankful she was still human.

"I guess am insane, this is the first time am so glad to see your irritating ugly face, Rohan."

The chestnut beauty's brow rose in obvious irritation, but a small smile stretch her lips that slightly brighten her face. "You can live longer even longer than the guardian if you only knew how to shut your stupid mouth."

Two girls hugged each other again, they enjoyed the little moment they had until one of the guardians cleared her throat. "I'm sorry to cut your sweet moments ladies, if you both won't mind we need a little help here."

A red blush appeared on both ladies that they quickly brushed away by coughing, averting their eyes from another old lady who briefly bowed down to the head guardian.

"Sister, the preparations are done."

Awen then realized the surroundings, they were behind the two Narra trees while the purple-black orb was idle on the other side, but it was now occupying enveloping the entire vicinity of the shrine. However, the two gigantic trees seemed to get bigger and taller than they used to be in Awen's eyes. The branches and trunks were getting larger than she could remember as if the trees were holding the orb.

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