Chapter 2:1 Under the Blood moon

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Be careful what you wish for, you'll probably get it.


One had fainted while the rest of Cassey's cronies had sprinted-out in all direction without glancing back. They all disappeared in a heartbeat after Anastasia had fainted for the second time.

Awen scanned the environment while faking her scream that almost like a whispher and after checking the surroundings and had confidence no threat around, she immediately untangled the rope around her and slightly nudge the chestnut beauty, who still motionless on the ground.

"That was creepy. Who's coming?" 

Using her foot Awen nudged again the back of Anastasia when the chestnut beauty didn't respond for almost a minute.

"I can't hear any scream from here. Get up."

In split seconds Anastasia was now sitting, she groaned with the sudden pain on her back briefly touching the area. "Ugh... Everything hurts."

She looked at Awen now touching her neck, begging for what seem Awen could only provide. But Awen rolled her eyes, gritted her teeth instead because of  annoyance at the cunning Anastasia before she turned around to look for her baggy bag.

"Sigh* It's been years since I've done this again yet I still sound genuinely high class. I bet, the old man was smiling ear-to-ear from the afterlife."

There was a brief paused from Awen before she threw the bag of water to Anastasia. Awen Lockhart didn't remember how she introduced or if ever she introduced Anastasia to the old man in the street of Roseriff, she'd just woke up one day someone was already sitting next beside her while listening to random nothing of the old hag.

"I believe, these things should have been addressed while the person is still living not after his death." 

Anastasia's heartbeat stumbled a bit in obvious grief flickered in Awen's voice. Thus, Anastasia simply shrugged the thing with her infamous smile. But before she even say a rebuttal.

"Y-you... for the love of Goddess Aumanda what the f*ck just happened?"

Two sets of surprised eyes slid at Cassey, who was sitting on the dirty ground. Trembling.

Cassey's eyes were glassy full of terror. Even her breathing was unstable. The aura of self-proclaimed queen Cassey was no more, but has been replaced by a terrified girl.

"You can't hear a scream huh?" Anastacia threw a mocking smirk at the smaller lady.

"She didn't scream, she's cursing instead. Talking about blasphemy yes?"

"You..." Cassey pointing a shaky finger at Anastasia.

"Ooh... Did she scare you that bad your highness?" 

There was a playful hint of a smile on Awen face when she said those words. As if to stirred the obvious answer inside Cassey's already confused head.

"You should fear people, wealth and power. You can be a demon if you have those things. But you know what, I prefer to be a Goddess." 

Anastasia flicked her hair, rested her chin on her palm and show her beautiful angles. Then finally winked at Cassey who looked bewilderedly unpleased yet Awen can't hide the crunchy laughter that earned her a sharp glare from both ladies.

"She was once called, the goddess of Mcdougall opera house in Spartus. I thought you were part of Helleria clan? The opera house was famous to aristocrats because of the third rate talents of its members. Hmm... Or perhaps..." Awen mirthless smiled, her eyes had this meaningful gleam towards Anastasia. 

Awen | Priestess of Light Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat