Chapter Sixteen

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“Duke’s a douche,” says Matt.

“Who’s Duke?” I ask.

“A friend. And he’s a douche with 10 kegs, aka, my new best friend.”

Jeremy lets out a scoff and Tyler turns on him. “What’s the problem, Gilbert?”

“Don’t have one, Lockwood.” Jeremy doesn’t even look up from his homework.

“Yeah I didn’t think so.”

“Do you ever get tired of it?” I ask Tyler.

“Of what?” He looks confused.

“Yourself,” I say.

Tyler’s mouth gapes open like a fish while Jeremy and Matt snigger. I just smirk at him. Matt walks off without another word or glance at me, doing his duty as a busboy for the Grill.

“I didn’t know you started working here,” I call out to him.

“There’s a lot you don’t know.” He continues walking without even looking back.


Tyler gives me a sympathetic look and I glare back at him. I take a seat across from Jeremy who smiles up at me.

“Trouble in paradise?”

“Oh please, my life is hardly what you’d call a paradise,” I scoff.

Jeremy chuckles. “Did Mr. Saltzman hand you back your essay paper yet?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t been to school lately.”

Jeremy laughs again. “Well that figures. He gave me an A for mine. I guess hard work does pay off.”

“Congrats,” I smile warmly at him. “Now you’re back on track.”

At that moment, my least favourite blonde in all of Mystic Falls decides to come up to our table. Caroline Forbes tosses her hair and she glares at me with narrow eyes before turning to my companion.

“Hey Jeremy, where is Elena? I have been texting her and Bonnie all day about Duke’s party.”

“Maybe they’re avoiding you,” I mutter under my breath, low enough so no one hears.

“Uh, she went somewhere with Stefan,” answers Jeremy.

Caroline lets out a loud and dramatic sigh. “Ugh, I am so not going to be one of those girls who disappears just because she has a new boyfriend.”

“Who is Duke?” Jeremy asks.

“He’s some guy that graduated a couple of years ago and he throws a party every time he comes home from Duke.”

“Wait, Duke goes to Duke?” I ask, trying to stifle my laughter. Jeremy has the exact same expression on his fake.

Caroline rolls her eyes, as if she thought my question was really stupid. “His real name is Bob or something. He’s a total ass but he buys the beer.” She turns to Jeremy. “You know, you should come.”

Jeremy looks astounded for a second before he shakes his head. “Yeah, no. I don’t think so.”

“Seriously, everyone goes. Even quiet, little, loner brothers. Think about it.” Caroline then spares me a glance. “Don’t bother showing up, no one there is going to like you.”

I burst out laughing at that. “Thanks for inviting me, now I just have to show up.” I smile widely at her, which just makes her mad so she walks off, huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf. I see her approach Matt and I drag my eyes away. Jeremy is looking at me with a curious expression.

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