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Maxime perceived the scent of the growing storm. He didn't go to the windows to feel the rain like he always did. He backed the window. He was anxious now. Too anxious to believe what was happening.

The scent of Samuel lingered in his memory. He have been starving of physical contact for a long time, he felt numb in delicate places. Even when he could see, he had found men's advances a bit daunting.

His dad had found it comical. He would take Maxime with him to sign uncooperative business deals. Said his beauty could disarm a whole army. They had been the best business partners in crime.

But there was something so coercing about Samuel. He had a unique strength that fascinated Maxime -  his boldness and self reliance to even think of fighting for him in this hate world.

Samuel was well learned. He could speak interestingly on a variety of subjects, apart from  nutrition and health obviously. He had good taste for classical music, African arts and Asian music.

He has a quiet personality. Maxime had noted that the first time he met him. He wasn't the type to initiate a conversation but when triggered Samuel could talk for ages without getting tired.

But he was a medical assistant, a nutritionist. Maxime was nothing but handicapped.

That afternoon at the backyard, he had taken a seat on a log of driftwood and recovered from his sobs.

Maxime recalled how shaken and dizzy he felt when Samuel had held him close. Honestly he never experienced anything like it before.

"It's going to be fine," he said. "I want you to trust me."

"This is the only time I have been happy in a while now. But you're in Provins, I'm here in Paris, how will you help me?"

"Here," Samuel placed a small phone in his hand. "It's a cell phone."

Maxime felt his heart seize up in his chest. He was tempted to drop the phone. But Samuel forced it to his hand and pressed it together with his palms.

Maxime couldn't tell if Samuel was kneeling or sitting beside him but he felt the intensity of his gaze on his skin.

"My number is on speed dial number five. We're going to communicate with this."

Maxime had accepted. He was patient as Samuel showed him the buttons. He quickly memorized it.

"You can't imagine how hurt I am to see you in this situation. For starters, your room is bugged..."

Maxime was flustered. Could he possibly tell Samuel he had felt that same way too. Those sleepless nights that have haunted his life for over a year.

"Don't do or say anything suspicious in your room. We will discuss any important things out here in the backyard. Answer your calls in the bathroom. And don't call unless it is very important, the phone is on vibration already so keep it close to you always."

Always. Samuel had repeated. But he never mentioned the phone contained a tracking device and Joelene's number was on speed dial number one.

Maxime realised the gravity of the situation he was in. It was a matter of life and death.

Now, on this cold, stormy night, in a mansion located miles away from town, Maxime wanted to see Samuel again. He wanted to tell him about Alberte Lacroix, his father. He wanted to tell him of the life he used to have before all this happened.

He couldn't wait for the break of dawn. He didn't know why the urge to see Samuel Jacquet was suddenly overwhelming.

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