We were never sure of anything;

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We were never sure of anything;
The sun empty, as a person without words,
The moon full of life, yet not entirely;
clouds could always get in its way.
Does that make them more powerful?
More powerful than the moon itself?

I had a dream last night,
full of nightmares and frights.
Right before you kissed me goodnight;
my lids covered my eyes,
and my mind slipped into the night.
Am I now lost forever, in the night?

We were never sure of anything;
my hand running against the blank paper,
waiting for my mind to come clean.
Not to write nonsense,
but let meaningful words fly out,
for you to read; hate and love.

I had a dream last night,
I saw you even when you were nowhere,
to be found; again and again; to be found.
How can I help you see me?
I could see my reflection in your eyes,
yet your eyes seemed lifeless.

We were never sure of anything;
and as I sit here, with nothing to write,
I think of you, you who visited me last night
in my dream where you kissed me goodnight.
Your eyes never came at my direction, lifeless;
like the moon when the clouds cover its face.

I had a dream last night,
it set me on a mission; look behind each corner
that is where the shadows hide.
Do not worry; stranger from my dream,
for you are yet to be found.

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